diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index c4e7fd9fec2a44586f3ea0ea8f095267f41f355e..cfc917a1905ea9e56bfa99fe8d2e389b217fb6c7 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -64,17 +64,6 @@ include:
   - local: ci-cd/templates/all-roles-b4-merge.yml
       - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main"
-      # - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "main"
-    ####
-    # rules:
-    #   ### WORKS
-    #   # - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "main"
-    #   ###
-    #   # - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
-    #   ###
-    #   # - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
-    #   ####
-    #   - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" && $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_APPROVED == true
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 86c8d23b1db58cb5f4241af8b756df6053cacf6d..5f283b72243acc71ba946bfdfc55a3ad3c5d611d 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -10,3 +10,6 @@
 [submodule "roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-images"]
 	path = roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-images
 	url = git@git.cccv.de:fejao/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-images.git
+[submodule "roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-containers"]
+	path = roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-containers
+	url = git@git.cccv.de:fejao/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-containers.git
diff --git a/ci-cd/playbooks/05_docker_containers.yml b/ci-cd/playbooks/05_docker_containers.yml
index eb32d54344edc2850cb4850851a892a485591cd6..a60022a484fb5a887da3b08e1bfc3a2ef367de04 100644
--- a/ci-cd/playbooks/05_docker_containers.yml
+++ b/ci-cd/playbooks/05_docker_containers.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
     - example_servers_group
-    - role: roles/docker_containers
+    # - role: roles/docker_containers
+    - role: roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-images
         c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable: true
         c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_mask: true
diff --git a/ci-cd/templates/all-roles-b4-merge.yml b/ci-cd/templates/all-roles-b4-merge.yml
index 06911f9188c119753899c88beafba33d69ced0ec..bd7b10170bce9e8fbe87ae8cbdb7adacf2623944 100644
--- a/ci-cd/templates/all-roles-b4-merge.yml
+++ b/ci-cd/templates/all-roles-b4-merge.yml
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ include:
   - local: ci-cd/templates/role-dependencies.yml
   - local: ci-cd/templates/role-clone-repositories.yml
   - local: ci-cd/templates/role-docker-images.yml
-  # - local: ci-cd/templates/role-docker-containers.yml
+  - local: ci-cd/templates/role-docker-containers.yml
   # - local: ci-cd/templates/role-oh-my-bash.yml
diff --git a/roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-containers b/roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-containers
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c027f03ed45fe3ee0c2d19e14ddc1513c660a8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/c3infodesk-deployment-role-docker-containers
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit c027f03ed45fe3ee0c2d19e14ddc1513c660a8f3
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/README.md b/roles/docker_containers/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 10fbf22262a0c88fff0c742f5d31a7cc1dcf7f69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# docker-containers role
-This is a ansible-role for dealing with the containers from **c3infodesk**.
-## Requirements
-- To have [ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/installation_guide/installation_distros.html) installed at your system.
-## Configuration
-You need to set some configuration for this to work
-- ### ansible.cfg
-  You have to edit the **ansible.cfg** file to your needs for accessing your target.
-  - #### remote_user
-    You need to set the **remote_user** configuration for accessing the target host.
-    Example: [remote_user](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/ansible.cfg#L227)
-- ### HOST_VARS
-  In order to access your target host, you need to create/edit your **inventories/host_vars/<YOUR_HOST_NAME>.yml**
-  - #### ansible_become_pass
-    You need to set the **sudo** password from the user setted on **remote_user** for installing packages and etc. at the target.
-    Example: [ansible_become_pass](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/inventories/host_vars/example_server.yml#L5)
-- ### HOSTS
-  You need to provide a group in which your target belongs to with the same name setted for **inventories/host_vars/<YOUR_HOST_NAME>.yml**.
-  There you can add/edit the target address/IP.
-  Example: [hosts](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/inventories/hosts)
-## Role Variables
-Here are the variables to setted from this role:
-- ### From: inventories/host_vars/<TARGET_NAME>
-  Here are the variables that you should be changing for your own deployment.
-  - #### CUPS
-    Here you can set the variables if you want to **disable** and/or **mask** the CUPS service at the target.
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable**: DEFAULT=<NOT_SETTED>
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_mask**: DEFAULT=<NOT_SETTED>
-  - #### COMPOSE
-    Here you can set the variables if you want to set the **docker compose command** to up/stop/restart/down
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up**: DEFAULT=<NOT_SETTED>
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_stop**: DEFAULT=<NOT_SETTED>
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_restart**: DEFAULT=<NOT_SETTED>
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_down**: DEFAULT=<NOT_SETTED>
-- ### From: inventories/group_vars/<TARGET_GROUP>
-  Please don't cahnge the default values at this file. If you need to update them, use the **inventories/host_vars/<TARGET_NAME>** file.
-  At the moment, there's **NO VARIABLES** setted at the **group_vars** for this role.
-- ### From: roles/clone-repositories/defaults/main.yml
-  Don't change the values at this file, if you need to change them, change it at the **inventories/host_vars/<TARGET_NAME>** file
-  - #### CUPS
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to disable the CUPS service at the target system
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable_debug**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to debug disabling CUPS at the target system
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_mask**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to mask the CUPS service at the target system
-  - #### COMPOSE UP
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to run the command: "docker compose up" at the target host
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up_debug**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to debug running the command: "docker compose up" at the target host
-  - #### COMPOSE STOP
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_stop**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to run the command: "docker compose stop" at the target host
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_stop_debug**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to debug running the command: "docker compose stop" at the target host
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_restart**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to run the command: "docker compose restart" at the target host
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_restart_debug**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to debug running the command: "docker compose restart" at the target host
-  - #### COMPOSE DOWN
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_down**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to run the command: "docker compose down" at the target host
-    - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_down_debug**: DEFAULT=false
-      - If you want to debug running the command: "docker compose down" at the target host
-## Dependencies
-The role dependencies are:
-  - [dependencies(role)](roles/dependencies/README.md)
-  - [clone_repositories](roles/clone_repositories/README.md)
-  - [docker_images](roles/docker_images/README.md)
-## Example Playbook
-- ### What this example will deploy
-  This role will deploy all the containers setted on the [docker-compose.yml](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-printer/-/blob/main/docker/docker-compose.yml) file.
-  **PLEASE CHANGE THE VALEUS** setted at this file on the target to your own.
-  The **docker-compose.yml** file can be founded at the location setted from the **c3infodesk_printer_folder** path variable. The default is: **"~/Coding/c3infodesk-printer"** folder
-- ### Using the provided example
-    For using the example playbook **[playbooks/examples/example_05_docker_containers.yml](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/playbooks/examples/example_05_docker_containers.yml)** file you only need to:
-    - Change the user at the **[ansible.cfg](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/ansible.cfg)** file at the field **[remote_user](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/ansible.cfg#L227)** for acessing your target.
-    - Update the file **[inventories/host_vars/example_server.yml](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/inventories/host_vars/example_server.yml)** and change the value for **[ansible_become_pass](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/inventories/host_vars/example_server.yml#L5)** from the **[remote_user](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/ansible.cfg#L227)**
-    - Update the **[inventories/hosts](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/inventories/hosts)** file and change the **[example_server](https://git.cccv.de/fejao/c3infodesk-deployment/-/blob/main/inventories/hosts#L2)** with the IP address from your target.
-  And run the command:
-  ```bash
-  ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbooks/examples/05_docker_containers.yml
-  ```
-- ### Setting your own example
-  - #### Deploying a new system example
-    After setting your variables at **inventories/host_vars/<HOST_NAME>**, you can add this role to your playbook as a regular role.
-    Here is an example using the **<HOST_NAME>** as **test_servers**
-    You will need to set this variables fro a new deployment:
-      - **c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable**: true
-      - **c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_mask**: true
-      - **c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up**: true
-    ```yaml
-    - hosts:
-      - example_servers_group
-      roles:
-        - role: roles/docker_containers
-          vars:
-            c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable: true
-            c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_mask: true
-            c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up: true
-    ```
-    And call the playbook as:
-    ```bash
-    ansible-playbook -i <INVENTORY> <PLAYBOOK_NAME>.yml
-    ```
-  - #### Restarting the containers example
-    Here is an example for adding this role for your playbook for **restarting** the **c3infodesk-printer** containers:
-    We are using the **<HOST_NAME>** as **test_servers** for example.
-    ```yaml
-    - hosts:
-        - test_servers
-      roles:
-        - role: roles/docker-containers
-          vars:
-            printer_docker_compose_restart: true
-    ```
-    And call the playbook as:
-    ```bash
-    ansible-playbook -i <INVENTORY> <PLAYBOOK_NAME>.yml
-    ```
-    Or you can also pass it using the **role variables**. So your playbook file should looks like:
-    ```yaml
-    - hosts:
-        - test_servers
-      roles:
-        - roles/docker-containers
-    ```
-      And call it passing the variable, for example, restarting the containers from **c3infodesk-printer**.
-    ```bash
-    ansible-playbook -i <INVENTORY> <PLAYBOOK_NAME>.yml --extra-vars "printer_docker_compose_restart=true"
-    ```
-## Testing
-You can test this locally using **DIND (docker in docker)** at your own computer using [ansible molecule](https://ansible.readthedocs.io/projects/molecule/installation/)
-- ### Testing requirements
-  You need docker installed at your system and the [ansible molecule](https://ansible.readthedocs.io/projects/molecule/installation/).
-  You might have to set DIND at your system, for linux, you can create the file **/etc/docker/daemon.json**
-  And add the content and restart docker.
-  ```json
-  {
-    "exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"],
-    "features": {
-      "buildkit": true
-    },
-    "experimental": true,
-    "cgroup-parent": "docker.slice"
-  }
-  ```
-- ### Using molecule
-  Just go to the root of the role **roles/dependencies** and run the command:
-  ```bash
-  molecule test
-  ```
-## License
-## Author Information
-![fejao logo](../../files/from_authors/fejao_logo_circle.png "fejao") [https://chaos.social/@fejao](https://chaos.social/@fejao)
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/defaults/main.yml b/roles/docker_containers/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 905d5d658cb72802a59dd0620f7d756b95c3c7f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# defaults file for docker-containers
-# c3infodesk_project_src: "PLEASE SET THIS VARIABLE"
-### c3InfoDesk Printer
-### CUPS
-c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable: false
-c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable_debug: false
-c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_mask: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up_debug: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_stop: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_stop_debug: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_restart: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_restart_debug: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_down: false
-c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_down_debug: false
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/meta/main.yml b/roles/docker_containers/meta/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ec0643af26fc7bac76ccfe4f0db54b46d85405..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/meta/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  role_name: docker_containers
-  description: Role to work with the containers for the c3InfoDesk sytems
-  author: fejao
-  company: cccv.de
-  license: "MIT / BSD"
-  min_ansible_version: '2.10'
-  galaxy_tags: []
-# dependencies: []
-  # List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
-  # if you add dependencies to this list.
-  - role: dependencies
-  - role: clone_repositories
-  - role: docker_images
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/README.md b/roles/docker_containers/molecule/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e02fc32861788f357b8d26e017c3718081b32e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-## ansible molecule tests for role: docker_containers
-## Why to use it
-It's allways a good idea to test your things.
-With **ansible molecule** you can test your role locally without the need of using a **real server** but a local **docker container**.
-## Dependencies
-- ### molecule
-  You need to have [ansible molecule](https://ansible.readthedocs.io/projects/molecule/installation/) installed.
-- ### DIND (docker in docker)
-    For using the tests, you will to have **docker** installed locally and and set it for using **DIND (docker in docker)**
-    - ### DIND linux
-      You have to create/edit the file **/etc/docker/daemon.json** with the content:
-    ```json
-    {
-    "exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"],
-    "features": {
-        "buildkit": true
-    },
-    "experimental": true,
-    "cgroup-parent": "docker.slice"
-    }
-    ```
-## Configuration
-There's not much for configuring for using the tests
-## Running the tests
-For running the **molecule tests** you just need to run the command:
-molecule test
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/cleanup.yml b/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/cleanup.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c59f7ae1cfbd233b15f830b43d7b7c4f733c19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/cleanup.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-- name: MOLECULE | Cleanup
-  hosts: all
-  vars:
-    package_name_docker: 'docker'
-    package_name_docker_ce: 'docker-ce'
-    package_name_docker_compose: 'docker-compose'
-    package_name_docker_compose_plugin: 'docker-compose-plugin'
-    container_name_cups: 'c3printing-cups'
-    container_name_app: 'c3printing-app'
-    container_name_proxy: 'c3printing-proxy'
-    container_name_influxdb: 'c3printing-influxdb'
-  pre_tasks:
-    ###
-    ### VARIABLES
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/dependencies/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/dependencies/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/clone_repositories/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/clone_repositories/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/docker_images/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/docker_images/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../inventories/group_vars
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../inventories/group_vars
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../inventories/host_vars
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../inventories/host_vars
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | DOCKER | Remove all running containers.
-      community.docker.docker_compose_v2:
-        project_src: "{{ c3infodesk_printer_folder_docker }}"
-        # state: absent
-        state: absent
-      register: ret_docker_compose_down
-    - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | DOCKER | Output from removing all containers.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        var: ret_docker_compose_down
-      when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up_debug | bool
-    # - name: MOLECULE | CLEANUP | PRE-TASKS | DOCKER | raise error.
-    #   ansible.builtin.debug:
-    #     msg: "ERROR RAISED"
-    #   failed_when: true
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/converge.yml b/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/converge.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e879983c5ead45931ca4c6b7dbd1a0cf421762c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/converge.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-- name: MOLECULE | Converge
-  hosts: all
-  pre_tasks:
-    ###
-    ### VARIABLES
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | COVERGE | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CONVERGE | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/dependencies/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/dependencies/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CONVERGE | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/clone_repositories/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/clone_repositories/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | CONVERGE | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/docker_images/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/docker_images/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | COVERGE | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../inventories/group_vars
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../inventories/group_vars
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | COVERGE | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../inventories/host_vars
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../inventories/host_vars
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | COVERGE | PRE-TASKS | Install python 'requests' package
-      ansible.builtin.pip:
-        name: requests
-  tasks:
-    - name: MOLECULE | CONVERGE | Call the 'clone_repositories' role for starting the containers.
-      vars:
-        c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable: true
-        c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_mask: true
-        c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up: true
-      ansible.builtin.include_role:
-        name: docker_containers
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/molecule.yml b/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/molecule.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f0ed1648ae1810341f18334365227fce2af91b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/molecule.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-  name: galaxy
-  name: docker
-  - name: molecule_docker_containers
-    ### At the moment I'm not running at the latest kernel, please use always with a older kernel than the host
-    # image: docker.io/geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2204-ansible
-    image: geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2204-ansible:latest
-    command: /usr/sbin/init
-    pre_build_image: true
-    cgroupns_mode: host
-    privileged: true
-    volumes:
-      - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw
-      - /var/lib/containerd
-  name: ansible
-lint: |
-  ansible-lint --exclude molecule/default/
-  name: default
-  create_sequence:
-    - dependency
-    - create
-    - prepare
-  check_sequence:
-    - dependency
-    - cleanup
-    - destroy
-    - create
-    - prepare
-    - converge
-    - check
-    - destroy
-  converge_sequence:
-    - dependency
-    - create
-    - prepare
-    - converge
-  destroy_sequence:
-    - dependency
-    - cleanup
-    - destroy
-  test_sequence:
-    # - lint
-    # - dependency
-    # - cleanup
-    - destroy
-    - syntax
-    - create
-    # - prepare
-    - converge
-    - verify
-    - idempotence
-    # - side_effect
-    - cleanup
-    - destroy
-  name: ansible
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/verify.yml b/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/verify.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e10ed4d77ce5230dd02ebe76101ebaebe6ba4d3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/molecule/default/verify.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-- name: MOLECULE | Verify
-  hosts: all
-  vars:
-    package_name_docker: 'docker'
-    package_name_docker_ce: 'docker-ce'
-    package_name_docker_compose: 'docker-compose'
-    package_name_docker_compose_plugin: 'docker-compose-plugin'
-    container_name_cups: 'c3printing-cups'
-    container_name_app: 'c3printing-app'
-    container_name_proxy: 'c3printing-proxy'
-    # container_name_influxdb: 'c3printing-influxdb'
-  pre_tasks:
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/dependencies/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/dependencies/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/clone_repositories/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/clone_repositories/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../roles/docker_images/defaults
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../roles/docker_images/defaults
-        depth: 1
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../inventories/group_vars
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../inventories/group_vars
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | PRE-TASKS | VARIABLES | From -> ../../../../inventories/host_vars
-      ansible.builtin.include_vars:
-        dir: ../../../../inventories/host_vars
-        extensions:
-          - 'yml'
-  tasks:
-    ###
-    ### POPULATE
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | POPULATE | Gather the package facts
-      ansible.builtin.package_facts:
-        manager: auto
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | POPULATE | Gather service facts
-      ansible.builtin.service_facts:
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check that the packages from 'os_dependencies_packages' are installed.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Package: '{{ package_name }}' is installed"
-      loop: "{{ os_dependencies_packages }}"
-      loop_control:
-        loop_var: package_name
-      failed_when: package_name not in ansible_facts.packages
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check that docker is installed.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Package: 'docker' is installed"
-      failed_when:
-        - package_name_docker not in ansible_facts.packages
-        - package_name_docker_ce not in ansible_facts.packages
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check that docker-compose is installed.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Package: 'docker-cokmpose' is installed"
-      failed_when:
-       - package_name_docker_compose not in ansible_facts.packages
-       - package_name_docker_compose_plugin not in ansible_facts.packages
-    ###
-    ### TESTS - DOCKER
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get docker service state.
-      ansible.builtin.systemd:
-        name: "docker"
-      register: docker_service
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check that docker is running.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Docker IS running..."
-      failed_when: "'active' != docker_service.status.ActiveState"
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get added users infos.
-      ansible.builtin.user:
-        name: "{{ item }}"
-      loop: "{{ docker_users }}"
-      check_mode: true
-      register: test_users
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check if users exists
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "User {{ item.item }} {{ 'exists' if item.state | d('') == 'present' else 'does not exist' }}"
-      loop: "{{ test_users.results }}"
-      loop_control:
-        label: "{{ item.item }}"
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get the groups that the users belongs to.
-      ansible.builtin.command:
-        cmd: "id -Gn {{ item.item }}"
-      loop: "{{ test_users.results }}"
-      loop_control:
-        label: "{{ item.item }}"
-      register: user_groups
-      changed_when: false
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check that the users are at the 'docker' group.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "User '{{ item.item.item }}' belongs to the docker group"
-      with_items: "{{ user_groups.results }}"
-      failed_when: "'docker' not in item.stdout"
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get if the repository was cloned.
-      ansible.builtin.git:
-        repo: "{{ c3infodesk_printer_repo_url }}"
-        dest: "{{ c3infodesk_printer_folder }}"
-        version: main
-        clone: false
-        update: false
-      register: check_repository
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Checking if the repository was cloned.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Repository: '{{ c3infodesk_printer_repo_url }}' cloned..."
-      failed_when: check_repository.changed | bool
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get if the image is created for 'cups'.
-      community.docker.docker_image_info:
-        name: "{{ c3infodesk_printer_docker_img_cups_name }}"
-      register: result_check_image_cups
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check the image creation from 'cups'.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Image for 'cups' exists"
-      when: result_check_image_cups.images | length > 0
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get if the image is created for 'app'.
-      community.docker.docker_image_info:
-        name: "{{ c3infodesk_printer_docker_img_app_name }}"
-      register: result_check_image_app
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check the image creation from 'app'.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Image for 'app' exists"
-      when: result_check_image_app.images | length > 0
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get if the image is created for 'proxy'.
-      community.docker.docker_image_info:
-        name: "{{ c3infodesk_printer_docker_img_proxy_name }}"
-      register: result_check_image_proxy
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Check the image creation from 'proxy'.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "Image for 'proxy' exists"
-      when: result_check_image_proxy.images | length > 0
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | Get that the CUPS service is disable.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "The service: 'cups.service' is not setted"
-      failed_when: "'cups.service' in ansible_facts.services"
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER CUPS | Get infos on the container.
-      community.docker.docker_container_info:
-        name: "{{ container_name_cups }}"
-      register: ret_container_cups
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER CUPS | Check that the container exists.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "The container '{{ container_name_cups }}' {{ 'exists' if ret_container_cups.exists else 'does not exist' }}"
-      failed_when: ret_container_cups.exists | bool is not true
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER CUPS | Check that the container is running.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "The container '{{ container_name_cups }}' is running"
-      failed_when: ret_container_cups.container.State.Status != 'running'
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER APP | Get infos on the container.
-      community.docker.docker_container_info:
-        name: "{{ container_name_app }}"
-      register: ret_container_app
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER APP | Check that the container exists.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "The container '{{ container_name_app }}' {{ 'exists' if ret_container_app.exists else 'does not exist' }}"
-      failed_when: ret_container_app.exists | bool is not true
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER APP | Check that the container is running.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "The container '{{ container_name_app }}' is running"
-      failed_when: ret_container_app.container.State.Status != 'running'
-    ###
-    ###
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER PROXY | Get infos on the container.
-      community.docker.docker_container_info:
-        name: "{{ container_name_proxy }}"
-      register: ret_container_proxy
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER PROXY | Check that the container exists.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "The container '{{ container_name_proxy }}' {{ 'exists' if ret_container_proxy.exists else 'does not exist' }}"
-      failed_when: ret_container_proxy.exists | bool is not true
-    - name: MOLECULE | VERIFY | TEST | CONTAINER PROXY | Check that the container is running.
-      ansible.builtin.debug:
-        msg: "The container '{{ container_name_proxy }}' is running"
-      failed_when: ret_container_proxy.container.State.Status != 'running'
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/main.yml b/roles/docker_containers/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ca66fc4f6299096b2fccd8a83b1f6f6ed1e1ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# tasks file for docker-containers
-- name: Disabling CUPS on target host
-  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: printer_host_cups_disable.yml
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable | bool
-- name: Running printer compose up
-  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: printer_compose_up.yml
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up | bool
-- name: Running printer compose stop
-  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: printer_compose_stop.yml
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_stop | bool
-- name: Running printer compose restart
-  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: printer_compose_restart.yml
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_restart | bool
-- name: Running printer compose down
-  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: printer_compose_down.yml
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_down | bool
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_down.yml b/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_down.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f946d0b3a590e578d796146c203250a1ccdf64d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_down.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# tasks file for docker-compose down
-- name: COMPOSE DOWN | Run `docker compose down`
-  community.docker.docker_compose_v2:
-    project_src: "{{ c3infodesk_project_src }}"
-    state: absent
-  register: ret_docker_compose_down
-- name: COMPOSE DOWN | Output compose down
-  ansible.builtin.debug:
-    var: ret_docker_compose_down
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_down_debug | bool
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_restart.yml b/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_restart.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index df26924d9de57d4bd02361a0add84714fe802165..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_restart.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# tasks file for docker-compose restart
-- name: COMPOSE RESTART | Run `docker compose restart`
-  community.docker.docker_compose_v2:
-    project_src: "{{ c3infodesk_project_src }}"
-    state: restarted
-  register: ret_docker_compose_restart
-- name: COMPOSE RESTART | Output compose restart
-  ansible.builtin.debug:
-    var: ret_docker_compose_restart
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_restart_debug | bool
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_stop.yml b/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_stop.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e671330c11603bb2ba5f073d6a7072f68b5f4db9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_stop.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# tasks file for docker-compose stop
-- name: COMPOSE STOP | Run `docker compose stop`
-  community.docker.docker_compose_v2:
-    project_src: "{{ c3infodesk_project_src }}"
-    state: stopped
-  register: ret_docker_compose_stop
-- name: COMPOSE STOP | Output compose stop
-  ansible.builtin.debug:
-    var: ret_docker_compose_stop
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_stop_debug | bool
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_up.yml b/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_up.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d576754ea0b9c511d878a30e6255f0b901887e22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_compose_up.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# tasks file for docker-compose up
-- name: COMPOSE UP | Run `docker compose up`
-  community.docker.docker_compose_v2:
-    project_src: "{{ c3infodesk_printer_folder_docker }}"
-    state: present
-  register: ret_docker_compose_up
-- name: COMPOSE UP | Output compose up
-  ansible.builtin.debug:
-    var: ret_docker_compose_up
-  when: c3infodesk_printer_docker_compose_up_debug | bool
diff --git a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_host_cups_disable.yml b/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_host_cups_disable.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d6a482736c4a94c745b089c53e41e8661265b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/roles/docker_containers/tasks/printer_host_cups_disable.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# tasks file for disabling CUPS on target system
-- name: DISABLE CUPS | Populate service facts
-  ansible.builtin.service_facts:
-- name: DISABLE CUPS | Setting fact from cups status
-  ansible.builtin.set_fact:
-    cups_status: "{{ ansible_facts.services['cups.service'].status }}"
-  when: ansible_facts.services['cups.service'].status is defined
-- name: DISABLE CUPS | Stop the running CUPS on target
-  ansible.builtin.command:
-    cmd: systemctl stop cups
-  become: true
-  when:
-    - cups_status is defined
-    - cups_status != 'masked'
-  register: ret_stop_cups
-  changed_when: ret_stop_cups.rc != 0
-- name: DISABLE CUPS | Disable the running CUPS on target
-  ansible.builtin.command:
-    cmd: systemctl disable cups
-  become: true
-  when:
-    - cups_status is defined
-    - cups_status != 'masked'
-  register: ret_disable_cups
-  changed_when: ret_disable_cups.rc != 0
-- name: DISABLE CUPS | Mask the running CUPS on target
-  ansible.builtin.command:
-    cmd: systemctl mask cups
-  become: true
-  when:
-    - cups_status is defined
-    - cups_status != 'masked'
-  register: ret_mask_cups
-  changed_when: ret_mask_cups.rc != 0