--- # tasks file for disabling CUPS on target system - name: DISABLE CUPS | Populate service facts ansible.builtin.service_facts: - name: DISABLE CUPS | Setting fact from cups status ansible.builtin.set_fact: cups_status: "{{ ansible_facts.services['cups.service'].status }}" when: ansible_facts.services['cups.service'].status is defined - name: DISABLE CUPS | DEBUG -> Print cups_status ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "cups_status: {{ cups_status }}" when: c3infodesk_printer_host_cups_disable_debug | bool - name: DISABLE CUPS | Stop the running CUPS on target ansible.builtin.command: cmd: systemctl stop cups become: true when: - cups_status is defined - cups_status != 'masked' register: ret_stop_cups changed_when: ret_stop_cups.rc != 0 - name: DISABLE CUPS | Disable the running CUPS on target ansible.builtin.command: cmd: systemctl disable cups become: true # when: cups_status != 'masked' when: - cups_status is defined - cups_status != 'masked' register: ret_disable_cups changed_when: ret_disable_cups.rc != 0 - name: DISABLE CUPS | Mask the running CUPS on target ansible.builtin.command: cmd: systemctl mask cups become: true # when: cups_status != 'masked' when: - cups_status is defined - cups_status != 'masked' register: ret_mask_cups changed_when: ret_mask_cups.rc != 0