include: - project: 'infra/packages/ci-utils' ref: main file: 'shared-ci.yml' - local: 'gitlabci-version.yml' # - project: 'infra/packages/ci-utils' # ref: main # file: 'debian-binary.yml' variables: PACKAGE_NAME: rocketchat UPSTREAM_GITHUB_PATH: RocketChat/Rocket.Chat autoupdate: extends: .autoupdate:github:release-tags .build:binary: extends: .build image: script: - git clone --depth 1 --branch ${UPSTREAM_VERSION} rocketchat - NODEJS_VERSION="$(jq -r .engines.node rocketchat/package.json)" - METEOR_VERSION="$(cut -d@ -f2 rocketchat/apps/meteor/.meteor/release)" - wget -q "${NODEJS_VERSION}-deb-1nodesource1_amd64.deb" -O nodejs.deb - apt-get -qq install ./nodejs.deb # NodeJS < 14.9.0 did not contain corepack - test -e /usr/bin/corepack || npm install -g corepack # Install/enable yarn - corepack enable - rm nodejs.deb - wget -q "${METEOR_VERSION}/meteor-bootstrap-os.linux.x86_64.tar.gz" -O meteor-bootstrap.tar.gz # The package only contains an ".meteor" directory that ends up in "/root/.meteor" - tar -C ~/ -xzf meteor-bootstrap.tar.gz - rm meteor-bootstrap.tar.gz - export METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=true - export PATH=$PATH:/root/.meteor - meteor --version - cd rocketchat && YARN_CHECKSUM_BEHAVIOR=update yarn install --json && git diff yarn.lock && cd .. # yarn build:ci uses hard-coded /tmp/dist directory for build output - cd rocketchat && yarn build:ci && cd .. && mv /tmp/dist ./build - cd build/bundle/programs/server/ && npm install --production && cd ../../../.. artifacts: paths: - build build:binary:bullseye: extends: .build:binary package:apt:bullseye: extends: .package:apt dependencies: - build:binary:bullseye needs: - build:binary:bullseye # for now, publish the bullseye package for buster as well publish:apt:buster: extends: .publish:apt variables: APTLY_DISTRO: buster dependencies: - package:apt:bullseye needs: - package:apt:bullseye publish:apt:bullseye: extends: .publish:apt variables: APTLY_DISTRO: bullseye dependencies: - package:apt:bullseye needs: - package:apt:bullseye