#!/bin/sh set -e pybabel extract -F uffd/babel.cfg -k lazy_gettext -o messages.pot uffd # If you want to initialize a new message, use: # pybabel init -i messages.pot -d uffd/translations -l fr # Complete Documentation of Flask-Babel: https://flask-babel.tkte.ch pybabel update -i messages.pot -d uffd/translations pybabel compile -d uffd/translations if [ -n "$1" ]; then NUM_EMPTY="$(tr '\n' '|' < uffd/translations/$1/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | sed 's/msgstr ""|/empty/g' | tr '|' '\n' | grep '^empty$' | wc -l)" NUM_TOTAL="$(grep '^msgid' uffd/translations/$1/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | wc -l)" # Emulate python-coverage output echo "TOTAL $NUM_TOTAL $(( $NUM_TOTAL - $NUM_EMPTY )) $(( 100 * ($NUM_TOTAL - $NUM_EMPTY) / $NUM_TOTAL ))%" fi