image: variables: DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: normal PYTHONPATH: deps/ldapalchemy APT_API_URL: APT_REPO: uffd PYLINT_PIN: pylint~=2.10.0 before_script: - python3 -V - lsb_release -a - uname -a - python3 -m pylint --version - python3 -m coverage --version - echo "${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" | grep -qE "v[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+.*" && export UFFD_PACKAGE_VERSION="${CI_COMMIT_TAG#v}" || export UFFD_PACKAGE_VERSION="${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" .build: stage: build build:pip: extends: .build script: - PACKAGE_VERSION="${UFFD_PACKAGE_VERSION}" python3 -m build artifacts: paths: - dist/* build:apt: extends: .build script: - ./debian/ uffd > debian/changelog - export PYBUILD_INSTALL_ARGS="--install-lib=/usr/share/uffd/ --install-scripts=/usr/share/uffd/" - dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc - mv ../*.deb ./ - dpkg-deb -I *.deb - dpkg-deb -c *.deb artifacts: paths: - ./*.deb db_migrations_updated: stage: test script: - FLASK_APP=uffd FLASK_ENV=testing flask db upgrade - FLASK_APP=uffd FLASK_ENV=testing flask db migrate 2>&1 | grep -q 'No changes in schema detected' test_db_migrations:sqlite: stage: test script: - python3 sqlite test_db_migrations:mysql: stage: test script: - service mysql start - python3 mysql linter:buster: image: stage: test script: - pip3 install $PYLINT_PIN pylint-gitlab pylint-flask-sqlalchemy # this force-updates jinja2 and some other packages! - python3 -m pylint --exit-zero --rcfile .pylintrc --output-format=pylint_gitlab.GitlabCodeClimateReporter uffd > codeclimate.json - python3 -m pylint --exit-zero --rcfile .pylintrc --output-format=pylint_gitlab.GitlabPagesHtmlReporter uffd > pylint.html - python3 -m pylint --rcfile .pylintrc --output-format=text uffd artifacts: when: always paths: - pylint.html reports: codequality: codeclimate.json linter:bullseye: image: stage: test script: - pip3 install $PYLINT_PIN pylint-gitlab pylint-flask-sqlalchemy # this force-updates jinja2 and some other packages! - python3 -m pylint --exit-zero --rcfile .pylintrc --output-format=pylint_gitlab.GitlabCodeClimateReporter uffd > codeclimate.json - python3 -m pylint --exit-zero --rcfile .pylintrc --output-format=pylint_gitlab.GitlabPagesHtmlReporter uffd > pylint.html - python3 -m pylint --rcfile .pylintrc --output-format=text uffd artifacts: when: always paths: - pylint.html reports: codequality: codeclimate.json unittests:buster: image: stage: test script: - service slapd start - UNITTEST_OPENLDAP=1 python3-coverage run --include 'uffd/*.py' -m pytest --junitxml=report.xml || true - python3-coverage report -m - python3-coverage html - python3-coverage xml artifacts: when: always paths: - htmlcov/index.html - htmlcov expose_as: 'Coverage Report' reports: cobertura: coverage.xml junit: report.xml coverage: '/^TOTAL.*\s+(\d+\%)$/' unittests:bullseye: image: stage: test script: - service slapd start - UNITTEST_OPENLDAP=1 python3-coverage run --include 'uffd/*.py' -m pytest --junitxml=report.xml || true #- python3-coverage report -m - python3-coverage html #- python3-coverage xml artifacts: when: always paths: - htmlcov/index.html - htmlcov expose_as: 'Coverage Report' reports: #cobertura: coverage.xml junit: report.xml #coverage: '/^TOTAL.*\s+(\d+\%)$/' html5validator: stage: test script: - rm -rf pages - mkdir -p pages - cp -r uffd/static pages/static - DUMP_PAGES=pages python3 -m unittest discover tests - sed -i -e 's/href="\/static\//href=".\/static\//g' -e 's/src="\/static\//src=".\/static\//g' pages/*.html - html5validator --root pages 2>&1 | tee html5validator.log artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - pages - html5validator.log .trans: stage: test script: - ./ $TRANSLATION_LANGUAGE coverage: '/^TOTAL.*\s+(\d+\%)$/' trans_de: extends: .trans variables: TRANSLATION_LANGUAGE: de test:package:pip:buster: image: stage: test script: - pip3 install dist/*.tar.gz dependencies: - build:pip test:package:pip:bullseye: image: stage: test script: - pip3 install dist/*.tar.gz dependencies: - build:pip test:package:apt:buster: image: stage: test script: - apt -y install ./*.deb - service uwsgi start uffd || ( service uwsgi status uffd ; sleep 15; cat /var/log/uwsgi/app/uffd.log; ) - echo "server { listen default_server; include /etc/uffd/nginx.include.conf; }" > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/uffd.ini - service nginx start || ( service nginx status; nginx -t; exit 1; ) - uffd-admin routes - curl -Lv dependencies: - build:apt test:package:apt:bullseye: image: stage: test script: - apt -y install ./*.deb - service uwsgi start uffd || ( service uwsgi status uffd ; sleep 15; cat /var/log/uwsgi/app/uffd.log; ) - echo "server { listen default_server; include /etc/uffd/nginx.include.conf; }" > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/uffd.ini - service nginx start || ( service nginx status; nginx -t; exit 1; ) - uffd-admin routes - curl -Lv dependencies: - build:apt .publish: stage: deploy rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+.*/' publish:pip: extends: .publish script: - TWINE_USERNAME="${GITLABPKGS_USERNAME}" TWINE_PASSWORD="${GITLABPKGS_PASSWORD}" python3 -m twine upload --repository-url ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/pypi dist/* - TWINE_USERNAME="${PYPI_USERNAME}" TWINE_PASSWORD="${PYPI_PASSWORD}" python3 -m twine upload dist/* dependencies: - build:pip publish:apt: extends: .publish script: - export DEBPATH="$(echo *.deb)" - echo Upload deb file, add it to repo and clean up upload - curl --user "${APTLY_API_USER}:${APTLY_API_PW}" -X POST -F file=@"$DEBPATH" "${APT_API_URL}/api/files/${APT_REPO}-ci-upload-${CI_JOB_ID}" - curl --user "${APTLY_API_USER}:${APTLY_API_PW}" -X POST "${APT_API_URL}/api/repos/${APT_REPO}/file/${APT_REPO}-ci-upload-${CI_JOB_ID}" - curl --user "${APTLY_API_USER}:${APTLY_API_PW}" -X DELETE "${APT_API_URL}/api/files/${APT_REPO}-ci-upload-${CI_JOB_ID}" - echo Update published repo for all distros - 'curl --user "${APTLY_API_USER}:${APTLY_API_PW}" -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{ }" "${APT_API_URL}/api/publish/uffd/buster"' - 'curl --user "${APTLY_API_USER}:${APTLY_API_PW}" -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{ }" "${APT_API_URL}/api/publish/uffd/bullseye"' dependencies: - build:apt