C3Lingo rescheduled
Rapid assignment of shifts for chaos events
- Automatic schedule import for re:publica, Pretalx/Hub
- Integrations with C3Lingo Filedrop, Engelsystem and more
- Collaborate live on session changes using websockets
- One-click assignment of angels
- Express interest (with optional note) for sessions
- Stay on top of assignments with My Assignments view and personalized calendar (.ics) feeds
- Add globally visible notes to sessions
- Multiple conferences supported
- Conflict detection even across conferences
- Self-service account creation with optional invite-token
- Manage source and target languages per angel and per session
- Dark mode and (mostly) responsive web app
- Statistics and leaderboards
- ... and more 🎁
- Ruby on Rails with SQLite DB
- Tailwind CSS
- Turbo + Stimulus
- ActionCables with Redis backend
Dev environment
The project comes with a devcontainer for VSCode and compatible editors. Simply open the project folder in Code (or using devcontainer open <path>
) and after a few seconds, a suitable container should be ready.
Run bin/dev
in the integrated terminal to start the dev webserver and the tailwind watch job (see Procfile.dev
for details). Access your local rescheduled at
The application requires some secrets, as of writing these include:
You can supply the secrets by running rails credentials:edit
or pass them as environment variable in upper case (e.g. FILEDROP_USER
Preparation for an event
- talks about seeds
- set "relevant stages"
relevant = ["Saal 1", "Saal ZIGZAG", "Saal GLITCH", "Stage HUFF", "Stage YELL", "Canceled talk"] conf=Conference.find_by(slug: "38c3") conf.relevant_stages=conf.stages.select { |val| relevant.include?(val[:name]) }
- sort stages
Stage.where(name: "Saal 1").update(weight: 10) Stage.where(name: "Saal GLITCH").update(weight: 20) Stage.where(name: "Saal ZIGZAG").update(weight: 30) Stage.where(name: "Stage HUFF").update(weight: 40) Stage.where(name: "Stage YELL").update(weight: 50)
In production
See rescheduled-deploy for a full docker-compose stack and more explanations.
Colors (darkmode)
text: text-slate-300
text (overlay): text-slate-200
text light: text-slate-400
logo: text-white
highlight: text-red-500
dark background: bg-zinc-700
light background: bg-gray-900
overlay: bg-gray-600
input: bg-zinc-900
shadow: gray-400
Tips and Tricks
Helpful By running bin/rails <command>
you can trigger some helpful actions, such as
rails c[onsole]
: Start interactive ruby shell -
rails db
: Start sqlite shell with the currently used DB -
rails db:migrate
: Run pending DB migrations, automatically done by docker image on start -
rails db:seed
(Re-)import DB seeds fromdb/seeds.rb
rails secret
generate a random secret, e.g. forsecret_key_base
rails generate
Powerful tool to generate boilerplate, run it to see list of options
rails console
In -
Manually trigger sync job
Promote user to shiftcoordinator
User.find_by(name:"username_here").update(shiftcoordinator: true)
Reset user password
pw = SecureRandom.alphanumeric(12) User.find_by(name:"username_here").update(password: pw, password_confirmation: pw)
Print differences between local assignments and those in the engelsystem (taking into account assignments in the "variant conferences")
Conference.find_by(slug:"38c3").compare_engelsystem_shifts([Conference.find_by(slug:"38c3-more"), Conference.find_by(slug: "38c3-orga")])
Send a test message to Telegram
TelegramGroupChatNotificationJob.perform_now(text: "der habicht sieht die gegenwart")
List all notes angels put in their candidacies:
Candidate.includes(:user, :session).where.not(note: [nil, ""]).pluck('sessions.title','users.name', :note)
re:scheduled is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.