Chaos Parcel Service: Customer frontend
This is the customer facing part of the Chaos Parcel Service.
This will be the main point to adjust for your Event.
You need a working npm installation to build the frontend from src
*As the software is still in heavy development, you most likely will encounter bugs we want to fix.
Use your own branch to ease the merging of bugfixes from main.
We like patches
The files are all delivered from the "dist" folder. You can always delete all files inside and run
npm run build
to reset your files.
src/static/favicon.png The sites favicon
src/static/logo.png The logo used in the qr codes
src/static/facility.svg The image display on the index/welcome page
src/static/fonts src/scss/index.scss Adjust these to your events font.
- src/views/index.html
Your main page.
Go wild here. The only required item is the button to generate a new delivery - src/views/edit.html
The Sticker page.
Be carefull when editing these.
The text part are in the components subfolder.
We very much like patches here.
You need to customize the file src/static/config.json to point to your backend url.
your webserver needs to serve the "dist" folder as the web root.