.ansible-lint 4.56 KiB
# .ansible-lint
profile: null # min, basic, moderate,safety, shared, production
# Allows dumping of results in SARIF format
# sarif_file: result.sarif
# exclude_paths included in this file are parsed relative to this file's location
# and not relative to the CWD of execution. CLI arguments passed to the --exclude
# option are parsed relative to the CWD of execution.
- .cache/ # implicit unless exclude_paths is defined in config
- test/fixtures/formatting-before/
- test/fixtures/formatting-prettier/
# parseable: true
# quiet: true
# strict: true
# verbosity: 1
# Mock modules or roles in order to pass ansible-playbook --syntax-check
- zuul_return
# note the foo.bar is invalid as being neither a module or a collection
- fake_namespace.fake_collection.fake_module
- fake_namespace.fake_collection.fake_module.fake_submodule
- mocked_role
- author.role_name # old standalone galaxy role
- fake_namespace.fake_collection.fake_role # role within a collection
# Enable checking of loop variable prefixes in roles
# loop_var_prefix: "^(__|{role}_)"
loop_var_prefix: "^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$"
# Enforce variable names to follow pattern below, in addition to Ansible own
# requirements, like avoiding python identifiers. To disable add `var-naming`
# to skip_list.
var_naming_pattern: "^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$"
use_default_rules: true
# Load custom rules from this specific folder
# rulesdir:
# - ./rule/directory/
# Ansible-lint is able to recognize and load skip rules stored inside
# `.ansible-lint-ignore` (or `.config/ansible-lint-ignore.txt`) files.
# To skip a rule just enter filename and tag, like "playbook.yml package-latest"
# on a new line.
# Optionally you can add comments after the tag, prefixed by "#". We discourage
# the use of skip_list below because that will hide violations from the output.
# When putting ignores inside the ignore file, they are marked as ignored, but
# still visible, making it easier to address later.
- skip_this_tag
- var-naming[no-role-prefix]
- loop-var-prefix[missing]
### Sometimes, it is need to run as command...
- command-instead-of-module
# Ansible-lint does not automatically load rules that have the 'opt-in' tag.
# You must enable opt-in rules by listing each rule 'id' below.
- args
- empty-string-compare # opt-in
- no-log-password # opt-in
- no-same-owner # opt-in
# - name[prefix] # opt-in
- galaxy-version-incorrect # opt-in
# add yaml here if you want to avoid ignoring yaml checks when yamllint
# library is missing. Normally its absence just skips using that rule.
- yaml
# Report only a subset of tags and fully ignore any others
# tags:
# - jinja[spacing]
# Ansible-lint does not fail on warnings from the rules or tags listed below
- skip_this_tag
# - experimental # experimental is included in the implicit list
# - role-name
# - yaml[document-start] # you can also use sub-rule matches
# Some rules can transform files to fix (or make it easier to fix) identified
# errors. `ansible-lint --fix` will reformat YAML files and run these transforms.
# By default it will run all transforms (effectively `write_list: ["all"]`).
# You can disable running transforms by setting `write_list: ["none"]`.
# Or only enable a subset of rule transforms by listing rules/tags here.
# write_list:
# - all
# Offline mode disables installation of requirements.yml and schema refreshing
offline: true
# Define required Ansible's variables to satisfy syntax check
foo: bar
multiline_string_variable: |
complex_variable: ":{;\t$()"
# Uncomment to enforce action validation with tasks, usually is not
# needed as Ansible syntax check also covers it.
# skip_action_validation: false
# List of additional kind:pattern to be added at the top of the default
# match list, first match determines the file kind.
# - playbook: "**/examples/*.{yml,yaml}"
# - galaxy: "**/folder/galaxy.yml"
# - tasks: "**/tasks/*.yml"
# - vars: "**/vars/*.yml"
# - meta: "**/meta/main.yml"
- yaml: "**/*.yaml-too"
# List of additional collections to allow in only-builtins rule.
# only_builtins_allow_collections:
# - example_ns.example_collection
# List of additions modules to allow in only-builtins rule.
# only_builtins_allow_modules:
# - example_module
# Allow setting custom prefix for name[prefix] rule
# task_name_prefix: "{stem} | "
# Complexity related settings
# Limit the depth of the nested blocks:
# max_block_depth: 20
# Also recognize these versions of Ansible as supported:
# supported_ansible_also:
# - "2.18"