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This ansible-role for dealing with cloning the repositories necessary for deploying the system used from c3infodesk.
- To have ansible installed at your system.
- Set your remote_user configuration at the ansible.cfg file.
- Set your inventories/host_vars/<TARGET_NAME> file.
Role Variables
Here are the variables setted:
Here are the variables that you should be changing for your own deployment.
c3infodesk_printer_repo_new_branch_name: DEFAULT="test_branch"
- The branch name that it will be checked-out for avoiding updating the main branch
c3infodesk_printer_repo_new_branch_name: DEFAULT="test_branch"
c3infodesk_printer_folder: DEFAULT="Coding/c3infodesk-printer"
- The folder where to clone the repositories
c3infodesk_printer_folder: DEFAULT="Coding/c3infodesk-printer"
c3infodesk_printer_repo_clone: DEFAULT=true
- If it should or not clone the repository.
c3infodesk_printer_repo_url: DEFAULT=""
- The repository to be cloned.
c3infodesk_printer_repo_new_branch_name: DEFAULT="new_branch_name"
- The branch name to be set after cloning the repository.
c3infodesk_printer_repo_clone: DEFAULT=true
The role dependencies are:
Example Playbook
For using the playbook playbook_example_03_clone_repositories.yml file you only nned to:
- Change the user at the ansible.cfg file at the field remote_user for acessing your target.
- Update the file inventories/host_vars/example_server.yml and change the value for ansible_become_pass from the remote_user
- Update the inventories/hosts file and change the example_server with the IP address from your target.
And run the command:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbook_example_03_clone_repositories.yml
After setting your variables at inventories/host_vars/<HOST_NAME>, you can add this role to your playbook as a regular role.
Here is an example using the <HOST_NAME> as test_servers
- hosts:
- test_servers
- clone_repositories
And call the playbook as:
ansible-playbook -i <INVENTORY> <PLAYBOOK_NAME>.yml