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C3InfoDesk Deployment
Finish the roles for deploying the c3InfoDesk Printer.
- dependencies
- clone_repositories
- docker_images
- docker_containers
- Set ansible-lint for the roles.
- Add molecule tests.
What is this?
This is a repo for deploying the the printer system used at the c3infodesk for printing EXTREMILY NECESSARY documents.
To have ansible installed at your system.
Here are the used roles:
How to use this
- Clone this repo.
- Edit the files.
- Set your remote_user configuration at the ansible.cfg file.
- Set your inventories/host_vars/<TARGET_NAME> file.
- Run the playbooks
- Example for deploying the containers at the target:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbooks/examples/example_05_docker_containers.yml
- Change the default environment variables setted from the docker-compose.yml file to your needs and recreate the containers. You might need to login at the target for doing it so.
Local testing
At the moment, the only tests setted CI-CD are.
ansible-playbook --syntax-check -i <YOUR_INVENTORY> <YOUR_PLAYBOOK_NAME>
ansible-lint <YOUR_PLAYBOOK_NAME>