@@ -109,6 +109,10 @@ operating a site-wide DECT and SIP network.
* bring your DECT phone (only EU band phones for the DECT band work; US-DECT operates in 2.4 GHz and is not compatible) or SIP client
* once on-site, you can self service your device. By calling you activation token. [how to activate](https://eventphone.de/blog/2018/08/30/the-new-dect-registration/#more-172)
### Dialin
As usual, we are reachable from the outside. After activation you can be reached by +49 3307 479 87 xxxx, where xxxx is your extension.
### Device/Client compatible
A full list of working DECT phones can be found [here](https://eventphone.de/doku/dect_phone_compatibility_list).