@@ -14,18 +14,27 @@ Currently, the cash desk is planned to be open as follows:
For ticket-related questions and any changes at short notice, also keep an eye on the [ticket FAQ](https://tickets.events.ccc.de/camp2023/faq/).
## Getting your merch
## Merchandise
### Getting your preordered merch
You were able to pre-order and pre-pay merch through the [ticket shop](https://tickets.events.ccc.de/) until June 25 (see also [the announcement blog post](https://events.ccc.de/2023/06/06/camp23-merch-presale/) for details).
There will likely only be a small amount of merch available beyond the pre-ordered quantities.
Please note: You will need to **pick up your merch by day 3** (August 17) 22:00 at the latest, otherwise your claim to your ordered merch will expire and it might be sold to other campgoers.
If you cannot pick up your merch in person, you can also give the QR code of your merch order to someone else at camp and have them pick it up for you. In exceptional cases where even this is not possible, we will try our best to find a solution with you —
contact details for this will be added here shortly. In any case, we will need to hear from you **before the deadline** to be able to help.
You will need to **pick up your preordered merch by day 3** (August 17) 22:00 at the latest at the merch desk, otherwise your claim to your ordered merch will expire and it might be sold to other campgoers.
If you cannot pick up your merch in person, you can also give the QR code of your merch order to someone else at camp and have them pick it up for you. In exceptional cases where even this is not possible, we will try our best to find a solution with you. In any case, we will need to hear from you **before the deadline** to be able to help. See contact below.
### Merch desk opening hours
The merch desk is expected to **first open on day 1 (Tuesday, August 15)** during the day **for presale pickup only**.
We have additional stock available if you did not preorder, as well as some surprise products that we'll sell on the later days (tba). Merch from previous events might be available on the later days as well.
### Contact
Check our [social media (twitter)](https://twitter.com/c3foc) or [c3foc.net](https://c3foc.net) for updates on opening and availability. For any questions, e.g. regarding the pickup of your preorder, come by the merch desk or call [1FOC (1362 via DECT)](tel:1362)
Merch desk opening hours:
Happy shopping!
* The merch desk is expected to first open on day 1 (Tuesday, August 15), on a best-effort basis. (We are once again handling many different articles in many different sizes and designs, which makes set-up and distribution rather non-trivial.)