v2.3.14457282d · ·
Security update for v2.3.0 This update fixes two low-impact security-related bugs in uffd. 1) TOTP code reuse: Uffd supports Time-based one-time password (TOTP) as a 2FA method. In addition to being short-lived (the "time-based" part), TOTP codes are supposed to be single-use (the "one-time" part) to be more resistant against phishing and eavesdropping. Until this release however, uffd allowed the same code to be used multiple times during it's validity period. 2) Broken OAuth2 authorization code invalidation: When a user authenticates with an SSO-connected application, a secret is transported in an URL query parameter when the user is redirected back from the SSO to the application. The application then uses this secret, the authorization code, to establish the user's identity. Anyone in possession of a valid authorization code can use it to impersonate the user it was issue for at the application it was issued for. Authorization codes are supposed to be single-use. Due to a bug introduced in v1.1.0 however, authorization codes were not invalidated on use and remained valid until they expired. Thanks to the short lifetime of authorization codes, the security impact of this issue is relativly low, unless an attacker has live access to webserver or application logs which usually include URL query parameters.
v2.3.0409d7e66 · ·
Support for Debian Bookworm and maintainance Dependency updates in Bookworm subtly change the behaviour of uffd's database migrations. This release fixes that. When upgrading a Debian Buster or Bullseye system to Bookworm, make sure to upgrade uffd to v2.3.0 first. Then upgrade the system to Bookworm.
v2.2.09545981a · ·
New features and bug fixes for v2.1.0 Features: - Flexible e-mail preferences: Users can select different e-mail addresses for password reset and the services they have access to. - New remailer address format: The old format was case-sensitive which caused problems with some services. The new format is case-insensitive and generally more robust. The old format is still supported. - New service setting to make testing remailer easier (extends/replaces REMAILER_LIMIT_TO_USERS). - Admins can now deactivate user accounts. - Prometheus metrics: If the required dependencies are installed, an experimental metrics endpoint is available. - Unique user e-mail addresses: If enabled, uffd enforces e-mail address uniqueness. Can be enabled/disabled with "uffd-admin unique-email-addresses". Bug fixes: - MariaDB support: In older versions MariaDB support was broken. Starting with this release MariaDB support is CI tested. - New UID/GID allocation approach prevents UID/GID reuse
v2.1.085157594 · ·
New features and bug fixes for v2.0.1 Features: - Configurable site title (SITE_TITLE) - Configure page after login to service overview (DEFAULT_PAGE_SERVICES) - Configurable banner above login form (LOGIN_BANNER) - Hide user email addresses with remailer (REMAILER_*) - Use permanent rather than session cookies Bug fixes: - Fix group/role update command clearing description - Support SMTP without authentication - Fix "new invite" form resetting on error - Fix redirect_uris having trailing \r or blank entries - Typos/translation fixes
v2.0.18a6ca93c · ·
Minor bug and regression fixes for v2.0.0 Value formatting of OAuth2 logout URIs in the service admin interface did not add separating newlines. The service overview page returned 404 (Not Found) in cases it previously did not. The behavior was changed for consistency with other pages.
v2.0.0e00ea70d · ·
Major release removing LDAP support Added: * Service and non-service users may use the same Unix UID range * CLI commands for managing users, groups and roles * 2FA status of users is visible in admin interface * Database-stored service objects that group OAuth2 and API clients together Removed: * Support for old invite, selfservice and signup links (deprecated in v1.1.1) * ENABLE_INVITE, ENABLE_PASSWORDRESET, ENABLE_ROLESELFSERVICE config options Changed: * User, group and mail alias data is stored in the database instead of an LDAP server. Existing objects are imported. All LDAP support is removed. * Receive addresses of mail aliases are subject to alphabet constraints and converted to lower-case on import * Group names are subject to alphabet and length constraints * OAuth2 clients * Removed parameter "login_message" * Parameter "group_required" no longer supports AND/OR conjunctions of multiple groups, only a single group name * Clients defined with OAUTH2_CLIENTS config option moved to database. Existing clients are imported. * Service name is displayed in place of the client_id during device login * OAuth2 userinfo endpoint no longer exposes "ldap_dn" * API clients * Removed API_CLIENTS config option (deprecated in v1.2.0) * Clients defined with API_CLIENTS_2 config option moved to database. Existing clients are imported. * Argon2 replaces salted SHA256 for hashing user passwords. Existing passwords are gradually migrated on login. Argon2 has a significant impact on CPU and memory utilization. * Default UWSGI config uses multiple workers * Enabled foreign key support for SQLite * Expired objects are no longer deleted during request processing. Instead the CLI command "cleanup" must be run at least daily. The Debian package includes a cron job for this. * Environment variable CONFIG_PATH superseds CONFIG_FILENAME * The default value of config option ACL_ACCESS_GROUP changed See UPGRADE.md for detailed upgrade instructions.