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Commit c07193c6 authored by Julian's avatar Julian
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Release v1.1.0

parent 126f1659
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uffd (1.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Julian Rother ]
* Switched tests from tmpfile to in-memory databases
* Catch LDAPSASLPrepError on login
* Restrict password alphabet to SASLprep-safe ASCII subset
* Replace flask_oauthlib with plain oauthlib
* Fix for 45d4598 (Replace flask_oauthlib with plain oauthlib)
* Don't display login page if user is already logged in
* Display per-client-customizable message on login page
* Dedicated error page for permission errors
* Fix HTML element id construction in role view
* Removed TestUserViewsOLUserAsUser test cases
* Make sure that users can only confirm their own verification tokens
* Refactor permission checking and differenciate login and selfservice access
* Refactor base template and add narrow base template
* Handle if user referenced in session does not exist
* Support for python3-fido2 v0.9.x (Debian Bullseye)
* Support for python3-werkzeug v1.0.x (Debian Bullseye)
* Properly rollback db transaction in db_flush (tests)
* Fix debian package dependency on python3-oauthlib
* Verify OAuth2 codes/tokens in constant-time
* Verify invite link secrets in constant-time
* Verify selfservice link secrets in constant-time
* Verify signup link secrets in constant-time
* Verify api keys in constant-time
* Explain OAuth2 code/token customization hack
* Add CI tests for Bullseye and fix remaining compatability issues
* Publish Debian packages to
[ C-Tim ]
* fix(uffd-admin): Fix bug with util-linux fallback path
* fix(migrations): Calculate correct path for migrations instead of assuming cwd
[ Julian Rother ]
* CI check for CHANGELOG on release
* Refactor migrations to support MySQL/MariaDB
* Add Debian repo signing key and install instructions
* Auto-generate SECRET_KEY in Debian package, minor improvement of uffd-admin
-- root <root@runner-f9u6bnzu-project-27-concurrent-0> Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:07:04 +0000
uffd (1.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium
[ nd ]
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