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Multiple e-mail addresses

Julian requested to merge multiple-mail-addrs into master

Add multiple e-mail addresses to accounts and select one as the primary and the recovery address.

Fixes #62 (closed), first step towards #80 (closed)

Selfservice: selfservice-multiple-emails

Admin interface: admin-user-multiple-emails

Follow ups:

  • Services integration of multiple e-mail addresses
    • Allow users to choose which verified address to use for a service (#80 (closed))
    • Allow users to disable emails for a service
    • Allow admins to completly disable emails for a service
    • Integration for services that themselves support multiple email addresses (e.g. Mailman3 and Gitlab): Provide them all verified email addresses and link to their mail preferences in uffd
  • Optional unique constraints (#145 (closed))
    • Decide on a key function for e-mail addresses (case-normalization, utf8-normalization, space-normalization?)
    • Enforcing e-mail address uniqueness globally is a breaking change, so we need to find a way to make this optional
Edited by Julian

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