*[Principles of CCC events](https://help.ccc.de/principles.en.html)
*[Support at CCC Events](https://help.ccc.de)
## Security
Our security team offers help with all kinds of conflict and cares for your security - tightly collaborating with CERT and Awareness team.
Always there for you with open eyes and ears.
* DECT: 110
* c3secu@ccc.de
*Email: [c3secu@ccc.de](mailto:c3secu@ccc.de)
* on site
### About us:
Our security team offers help with all kinds of conflict and cares for your security - tightly collaborating with CERT and Awareness team.
Always there for you with open eyes and ears.
About us:
As usual, the CrewCrew, an all female* group, is taking care of you on site. Just like you, we are trying to create a good and discrimination-free atmosphere, keeping our eyes and ears open.
@@ -47,6 +31,29 @@ We work closely together with the CCC's awareness structures. Just like our coll
So in case you encounter or witness any conflicts or issues, please talk to us: We're very much looking forward to supporting you - that's why we're here, so please don't hesitate!
* DECT: 112
* CERT Tent: [At T 14, top left](https://map.events.ccc.de/camp/2023/map/#21.54/53.0300345/13.3090962/G,M,O,Or)
* Mastodon: [@c3cert](https://chaos.social/@c3cert)(Please do not use for emergencies)
The CERT (Chaos Emergency Response Team) is a team of professionally trained doctors, nurses, paramedics and diversely trained medics, firewomen and specialists in crisis intervention.
They take care of all emergencies and problems that require medical attention. Whatever sickness or injury you come up with, the CERT is your place to go to. This team also makes sure that fire safety regulations are adhered to and emergency routes are unblocked.