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# Accessibility
This page contains the most relevant info on acessibility on Camp, both for attandees and villages.
[Jump to Village Section](#for-villages)
![Badge with two hands singing inclusion labelled c3ioc. Written in handwriting: fNord, they/them, needs seating. A blue sticker with the caption “remind me to drink” also sticks on the Badge](img/c3ioc-badge.png)
## For Attandees
While Accessibility on any camping event will be challenging, there have been a lot of efforts to get this event as friendly as can be. You can also [check the Mildenberg Brickworks Park info page on accessibility](
### Assistance on Camp
Do not be afraid to ask for support. Our community is generally very open to help, as seen by the amount of angels.
There won't be a specific shift for providing accessibility help (sorry about the wrong info that was put here before), but Helpdesk will be able to provide you with info and you can also reach out to awareness, if you are experiencing discrimination.
You can inform other attandees about your needs using a c3IOC Badge. They can be folded up so some info will only be visible when you want it to. It is designed to not get in the way of your Angel Badge, if you have one.
[Get your Badge and Accessibility Info at the c3auti Helpdesk located in the Quiet Place.](
### Bringing Assistants
If you need an assistant, they can get into the venue for free. Just bring them and your ticket to the entrance. Bringing an ID that shows you need assistance will help. In any case, we will find a solution.
If there are multiple assistants on shifts, please give a heads-up to
### Camping
There are no specific accessible areas. You have to look on site to see what fits. Contact us if you need assistance.
You can sleep in a silent camping area, a bit off site, but even there it won’t be completely silent.
### Paths
This is an outdoor event, and the quality of paths will vary. Everything you’ll need is at least accessible by gravel paths. Some short paths may cut trough grass. Tripping hazards (such as the museum train tracks) will be eliminated if possible or at least marked. Tents should not have stairs, and cable crossings will have ramps. Some of this will rely on villages cooperating. Paths and toilets will be lit at night.
Reach out if you encounter barriers, or help us fix them. CERT (and others) will be grateful.
### Toilets
Some but not all toilets will have stairs. The Museum also has proper indoor rest rooms, with nappy-changing tables, emergency pullstrings etc.
### Noise
There are going to be blinking lights and noise. Camp is both a hackcenter and a festival. It’s going to be quite the fuzz.
However, you will be able to chill out:
* Lounge will offer a diverse mix of music, for many tastes and sensory processing preferences.
* Loud spaces have been grouped. To help create quiet spaces.
* You can sleep in a silent camping area, a bit off site.
* There will be quiet social areas.
But there will be noise, and we want to party. Just be mindful and bring hearing protection.
#### In Case of Emergencies
There will be loud announcements and flashing lights if CERT needs to respond to a catastophy. Members of c3auti and awareness will help you at emergency assembly points. We will wear pink high-vis vests.
### Talks
Talks and workshops will be held in multiple locations. At least two will have audio induction loops.
Speakers have been asked to provide content notes. These help inform you when talks deal with heavy topics or phobias. [Guidance on accessibility and talks is provided by c3IOC.](
There will be seating for wheelchair users and visually impaired.
### Teams
These Teams will be taking care of accessibility on the event:
* CERT, our emergency rescue
* will help in most medical matters.
* ask if you have special medical needs. (power for respirators, refrigerated medication; you will know best)
* c3auti
* offers quiet socialising.
* organises mutual aid for Autis.
* makes communication aids, not just for Autism.
* c3awareness
* will support you if you experience discrimination
* can help in conflicts
* will help spread awareness when people need it
c3IOC can help answer questions on inclusion and acessibility. In preperation for the event, for OCs, villages and disabled. Will be in the background on site. But ask the infodesk.
There will be a few Angel shifts for Accessibility Angels. As soon as we have further information you will find it here.
## For Villages
You can help make Camp as acessible as it can be by using this info-page.
There is also this [external web resource providing broad info on accessible building standards.](
### Avoid Tripping Hazards, build paths
- use cable bridges for crossings
- plan paths inside your village, keep them free of obstacles (this will help a lot in case of emergencies)
- make sure tent cords are marked and do not cross paths
- mark tripping hazards and stairs, where they can’t be avoided
- when building large tents or structures, you can [offer a ramp, as demonstrated by metalab dome](
### Offer Seating
Having a disability often comes with needing to take frequent breaks. **Good availability of seating can help a lot, even more when it’s in the shade.** Plus it will make your village so much more cozy!
When your village is next to a queue, offering seating near it will be much apprecciated.
And remember to stay friendly when an exhausted creature asks you to give up your seat for them, especially if they wear a blue badge. Some disabilities are hidden.
!!! warning "info"
Try not to move around your seating, so it can be marked on the map.
### In case of Emergencies
- plan for an evacuation, they have happend on camp before.
- plan ahead, if somebody in your village will need help?
- sirens will be used, so make sure to remember community members that are hard of hearing
- **Especially when they need to be woken up during the night!**
### Food Safety
If you offer Food, try to keep track of what ingedients went into it. You can keep some of the packaging around, in case you need to check for allergenes. Using less processed food with fewer extra ingredients will probably help out some community members.
# Art & Play
## Performances
### Candy Casino
Candy lovers and gamblers beware! The Candy Casino opens its doors and attracts with dignified ambience, addiction, nasty tricks and sweets. The chance for a win is real! Come to our gaming tables, reception with form and champagne. In addition, there are video projections, Supermario/Tetris Rummelmukke and for all losers* Loser Lollies.
**When:** 15 Aug + 17 Aug, 22:00–23:30<br />
**Location:** art & play_Zelt Frachter
### Der kühne Hühner
*a participatory radio play for young and old alike*
What do we need to make a radio play? People to read the story, of course. Maybe that’s you? And we also need noises, voices and sounds. Maybe even a little music. And above all, a lot of imagination and courage. Last but not least, listeners who make themselves comfortable and listen would of course be great as well. So there is certainly something for everyone. So if you want to experience something new, if you enjoy a nice story, if you enjoy reading aloud, if you like sounds and music, or if you just like to listen, then you’ve come to the right place!
“Der kühne Hühner” is Nico’s latest book about critical masculinity. The text will be set to music together with you and the spacey sound circus on headphones by Kollektiv Eigenklang to create a radio play.
With Nico Lindenberg and [Kollektiv Eigenklang](
**When:**<br />
17 Aug 15:00–16:30<br />
18 Aug 20:00–21:30<br />
19 Aug 17:00–18:30<br />
**Location:** art & play_Zelt Frachter
### Dream Machine Music Lab
*interactive music lab*
For this Chaos Camp a dream team of composers, hardware hackers, performers and musicians has come together to build the interactive music lab of the future: There will be mechatronic and acoustic instruments, capacitive mini-synthesizers, two soundsystems, and of course computers and much more!
We will show new compositions, songs, lyrics and research results from sessions and workshops of the current year. Please see the Fahrplan and Wiki for sessions and special events.
With Sandra Trostel aka Filmgizmo, Thies Mynther, Piko_Ithea, Jonas Hummel, Moritz Simon Geist, Mareike Pitting, Paul Werner, Alwin Weber, Alex Jezdinsky, Ada, Pandzillophon, Eva Koennemann
**Location:** art & play_Zelt
<!--![image alt]("DreamMachineLab©Sandra Trostel.jpeg")
### Eigenklang
*audio-visual durational performance*
“Eigenklang” is an audio-visual performance collective blurring classical boundaries between audience and artist, concept and coincidence, reality and perception. Their spaceship is open and cozy, full of toys and stimulating visuals. Join the crew for multidimensional experiments, based on interaction and improvisation, manipulating your senses, and co-create psychedelic soundscapes of organic, electronic and human sounds between your ears.
With [Kollektiv Eigenklang](
**When:**<br />
15 Aug, 20:30–00:00+<br />
16 Aug, 20:30–00:00+<br />
18 Aug, 20:30–00:00+<br />
19 Aug, 18:00–21:00+<br />
**Location:** art & play_Zelt Frachter
<!--[image alt]("KollektivEigenklang ©KarbenSito.jpeg")
### Hexenhaus
“Become who you are” is an inscription under a Mesopotamian lion. A great challenge in an alienated world. The installation invites inner acceptance by changing our understanding of reality. The Witch House creates an empowering place of mindfulness through images, sculptures, light and atmosphere.
**Location:** art & play
<!--![image alt]("Hexenhaus_1.jpeg")
### Kranleuchter
*interactive light installation*
16 moving heads, 4 LiDAR lasers, 4 speakers
The installation plays with the idea of light as a material with properties such as weight, friction and repulsion. The light beams behave like pendulums that are interactively set into oscillation. Each beam generates a sound through its oscillation, which is modulated by movement and position.
From [Birk Schmithüsen](
### MagicDrink
*audio visual durational performance*
“Will you float, dance or love?” This installative performance is an interplay of performers, light, projections, sounds and the audience. Using an analog phone system, guests can communicate with each other and with the performers. It’s all about skill: whoever turns the dial the fastest shares an intimate experience with the performers and drinks the much sought-after MagicDrink.
**When:**<br />
16 Aug, 21:00–00:00<br />
17 Aug, 21:00–00:00<br />
18 Aug, 21:00–00:00<br />
19 Aug, 21:00–00:00<br />
**Location:** art & play_bus
With [ArtesMobiles](
<!--![image alt]("ArtesMobiles© Caroline Wimmer.jpg")
©Caroline Wimmer-->
### Speaker Arena
*interactive soundinstallation*
A participative public sculpture made out of 320 connected loudspeakers that people can use to express themselves. The public, local artists and musicians can participate via a number of ways:
* via Bluetooth they can relay songs and messages to the sculpture.
* via direct “line in” they can connect their devices and instruments or speak directly through a microphone. Additionally the sculpture can be used as a PA system for events , DJs, and small concerts.
The sculpture at CCCamp has the following Bluetooth addresses:<br />
B3501<br />
BH100<br />
Fosi Audio BL20A<br />
From [Benoît Maubrey](
<!--![image alt]("speaker arena.JPG")
©Benoît Maubrey -->
### Von einem der auszog eine Wohnung in Berlin zu finden
*fully automated puppet theater* (17min)
(Translated title: The story of the youth who went forth to find an apartment in Berlin – adapted from a German fairy tale)
Act 3: In the final consequence
The Princess realizes that she must move to Berlin when she visits the exhibition “Vulnerable Subjects” in Leipzig. Fortunately, while looking for an apartment, she meets Kasperle, who introduces her to the Wohnungsbot (apartment bot). But even though the Wohnungsbot has already relieved countless people of the symptoms of rent mania, this mission plunges the Wohnungsbot into a crisis of existence, which not only makes him doubt prevailing narratives of automation. The stage adaptation of the software “Wohnungsbot” negotiates the possibilities and consequences of the attempt to solve social problems with technical means.
**Location:** art & play_Zelt Frachter
From [Clemens Schöll](
<!--![image alt]("Clemens Schöll ©Ortrun Bargholz.jpg")
©Ortrun Bargholz-->
### Watercolor_Techportraits
*live portray*
Bring your devices, laptops and other technology and have a protrait made in watercolours on paper. The painting has the visual look of a PC with information about the hard- and software.
The portraits can be taken away free of charge, perhaps as a souvenir of the camp.
**When:** Daily, starting at 14:00<br />
**Location:** art & play
### We Only Work In Spirals
*multidisciplinary performance*
“We Only Work In Spirals” is a project that brings together the world of music, circus and performance into a ritual of acts. This multidisciplinary experience aims to create multiple interpretations by combining an instant music performance while using the absurd hair hanging technique. The raw sound signals that are instantly created on stage travel from one performer to the other. They get trapped in loops, creating and enhancing the collective ritual that performers and audience are experiencing, where physicality and intense inner feelings grow.
**When:** 15. + 16 Aug, 20:15–20:30<br />
**Location:** art & play_Kran
With [Tzina Trikka & Inigo Garcia Cantero](
<!--![image alt]("Tzina Trikka & Inigo Garcia Cantero.pdf")
©Tzina Trikka-->
## Workshops
### ball pit train
The field train team will turn one of the train cars into a ball pit, and run trains with it.
**When**: non-stop during the day<br />
**Location:** on the train
### Blaumacherei
*Crashkurs Pflanzenfärben*
Get a taste of the basics of plant dyeing.
We dye textiles with natural resources!
Get an inside look at the process from the beginning to the end (preparing the textiles, ethically collecting the plant material, dyeing, finishing).
We will take a short dye plant walk and locate local colorants, and use them to dye already prepared small items that you can take home with your new knowledge.
(In case the weather is not ideal, the workshop will be in a roofed area).
**When:** 16–19 Aug, 11:00–15:00 depending on need (no drop-ins, please be on-time)<br />
**Max participants:** 12–15<br />
**Location**: Trockenschuppen
### Chapeau Club
*Der Plasmabrunnen und das Suprafluid*
Since 2012, [Chapeau Club]( has been creating immersive productions, surreal performances and genre-bending happenings with opulent costumes and extreme imagery. The pieces are characterised by absurd chaos, persiflage, techno and avant-garde. The aim is contemporary, participatory, sensual theatre. As the ‘queens’ and ‘kings’ of mobile performance, the collective is establishing a new, accessible popular and urban theatre.
**When:** see announcements<br />
**Location:** Marktplatz
### Cyber Graffiti
Graffiti workshop for up to 10 participants.
**When:** 16/17 Aug, 12:00–18:00<br />
**Location:** Fence at Ringofen
### Get the Pattern!
On digital handiwork and misused code: Crocheting AI-generated patterns and reflecting on how hybrid workflows enrich, change, overturn artistic practices.
**When**: see announcements<br />
**Location:** Trockenschuppen
### Entent
*Open Interactive Trash Lab*
Welcome to the Open Interactive Trash Lab! Join us in creating 5–10 engaging artifacts with a connecting theme or storyline. We provide the space, materials, and knowledge to get started, including introductory sessions on hardware and software. Let’s have fun and bring our ideas to life in this collaborative project!
**When**: see announcements<br />
**Location**: Entent Village
### Kunst der Kurven
Kunst der Kurven (art of curves) is a mix between an installation, workshop and a performance dealing with the topic of visualisation, sonification and enactment of algebraic structures known under name of Elliptic Curves (EC). ECs are fundamental for modern asymmetric cryptography, cryptocurrencies etc., but for those who know these Abelian varieties better, they can also be considered as beautiful structures on their own. Seemingly chaotic at first sight, ECs encode and exhibit certain symmetries which can be visualised – or even sonified – to produce results of non-negligible artistic and aesthethic value.
During the workshop part, participants will be asked to install the Open-Source System [Sagemath]( Subsequently, main concepts (Finite Field, Group Law, Quadratic and Cubic Character) will be briefly introduced and then people will start generating, plotting first visuals and sonifying first sequences. In the meanwhile, children will be charged with task of creating the “frames” from surrounding bio- and electro-materials. 5 years of free-time experiments by Daniel “hromi” Hromada (Juniorprofessor of Digital Education at Berlin University of the Arts) will be presented this way, for the first (and maybe also for the last) time. In order to provide sufficient mindfuck experience for everyone involved, the Installation–Workshop–Performance will be encoded in a mix of English–German–French–Slavic–Python and Sage languages.
**When**: see announcements<br />
**Location:** Trockenschuppen
### Lightbulbs
We hang old-school lightbulbs. They are connected to our generative patch that creates audio and light triggers, so we have an audiovisual ambientesque experience.
**Location:** please find out
### Pasar Senggol
Pasar = market Senggol = nudge (Indonesian suburban night market full of chaotic interactions and people pushing around in dense loud environment) We suggest a participatory art installation that is done through collaboration with people who join us throughout the days of the Camp in a workshop setting, where they learn and make basic electronic units for interactive sound art and kinetics. Collaborative practicies are very common in Indonesia, both as a need to survice but also as a deeply culturally rooted concept. We are happy to be able to invite Helmi Hardian, from Surabaya, Indonesia, as “Hacker-in-Residence” to spend the summer with us in our hackerspace, Bitwäscherei, in Zürich, and join the home-made Summercamp by SGMK and other activities. We have been working together in Indonesia, for HackteriaLab, and many other activites on DIY electronics and SoundArt, mostly doing workshops and PCB geeking. Besides Helmi and myself, dusjagr, we will invite 3 other mentors and constructors to help us developing the art installation and support the workshops.
**When**: see announcements<br />
**Location:** Trockenschuppen
### Pentagame
*the game*
Pentagame was already an attraction at the last camp, where it found many lovers. These helped with analysis, morals, and also funding, and we are here to say thank you (and play more Pentagame of course). For this, we bring a “garden pentagame”, a magnetic 3D-Pentagame, and a walk-in-structure in the shape of a trapezoid pentagon-antiprisma, another visualiastion of the underlying 3-dimensional structure. This is a space to meditate about the pentagonal structure of Life, the Universe, and everything – and of course to play more Pentagame. Bring on the conenders!
Some more info is scattered on [](, including links to files and to a downloadable AI that can play the game (and will beat you). The latter is particularly intersting since we had analytically proven that the game, even though it seems simple and is relatively short, has enough depth to always remain challengening and never get boring. Now the AI confirms these results: even if you let it play against itself on “full steam”, sometimes the first mover and sometimes the second mover gets to win.
**Location:** C-BASE
### pace for Creative Coding + interactive installation
The magic of creative coding:
1. During the day, we would like to showcase the installation “Works for Everybody” as an interactive installation for people of all ages to enjoy exploring.
2. During selected timeslots we organize creative coding workshops that introduce people to live coding, algorithmic art & music, and interactive development. It will be creatively empowering for the participants, great fun, and people can take away a lot of new knowledge and inspiration. We plan for these workshops to have a length of 2–6 hours and to be for 2–5 people.
3. Participants can share their results in the evening, when we plan to setup a small open “algorave” stage for live performances, live-coding music and/or visuals, VJ-ing, and so on. We would also encourage other CCC visitors to join in and share their own creative coding projects that are built using other platforms such as TidalCycles/strudel and SonicPi (for music live coding) or CablesGL for web based realtime visuals, just to name a few.
**When**: see announcements<br />
**Location:** Trockenschuppen
### Story Sharing Cubes
In a science-driven workshop, participants enhance a story collecting device, already used in 15 festivals, for secure implementation in peace-building with former FARC combatants. They anonymously share their stories, fostering a collective experience of connection and sharing. Voice stories are anonymized and made available to the community for various purposes.
**Time:** 16 Aug, 12:00–16:00<br />
**Location:** Trockenschuppen
### Strings that connect us
We create a small permanent area formed by a semi circle of Neon Led sculptures forming a “stage” for shibari (japanese artistic rope bondage) and fireshow events. The light NeonLed sculptures are interactive playable by midi keyboard.
**When**: see announcements<br />
**Location:** Trockenschuppen
### Technopolice Submersion
Since 2019, La Quadrature du Net has been trying to raise awareness of the spread of new surveillance technologies serving the police within cities. After 4 years of documentation and analysis, we’re using a sensitive approach to propose a schematic immersion into the “Technopolice”. By our sound and light installation, we invite the spectator to experience the oppressive, normalizing and excluding effects of police dynamics in a fictional city, deployed for the duration of the camp.
**Location:** La Quadrature du Net
### The worlds of Cordwainer Smith
*reading the short story “The Game of Rats and Dragons”*
The author will read the short story [“The Game of Rat and Dragons”]( by Cordwainer Smith, alias Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger who has left a small but impressive number of short stories and novels. In this story he describes the first link of two brains, between cats and humans. He is considered one of science fiction’s more influential and talented authors but his completely unknown. He used his experiences in World War II to write the book “Psychological Warfare” (1948), regarded as a classic text by many in the field. He had a big influence on Ursula K. Le Guin, who won the Hugo award. Other stories cover the first honeypot as in “Mother Hitton’s Littul Kittons” or the first description of a techno dancer. As he is nearly forgotten now, his work is not covered by copyright anymore and his stories can be used to create further art.
**When**: see timetable<br />
**Location**: Chill Out Space
### Trash Couture
We will give a running workshop where people can drop by to create creatures, headpieces, accessories or whatever they want to build with trash. We bring material, tools, and a sewing machine, and we would like to collect material also on the festival. It is always nice to have a connection to the place we are.
Bring your beautiful trash!
[](<br />
[]( )
**When**: 18 Aug + 19 Aug, 12:00–open end<br />
**Location:** Trockenschuppen
### Tunneldurchfahrt
Light installation in the passage, to be explored only by train.
From [LASA Berlin](
**Location:** Tunneldurchfahrt
### UV art installation / workshop
Go crazy with UV Tape Art
**Location:** Ringofen III UG
# Camping & Villages
## Village Registration
Please [register your village]( as soon as possible!
Read the [Blogpost]( for more Infos.
We have put together a form for you there. The more precisely you can answer the questions, the easier it will be for us to plan and save you from having to ask further questions. If your registration is accepted, you will get access to the village shop for tents, tables, chairs etc…
Remember to update your data regularly after registration, especially if your village size changes.
**Deadline 30 June 2023 at 23:42**
## Village Shop
Like last time, there will be a store for villages where you can order large tents, seating, gas, etc. centrally instead of all of you having to transport these things across the country or rent everything individually somewhere else. We are also working on having community coolers. As soon as we know more about this, we will let you know.
## Structures
Once again this year, we want an event that is safe for everyone. Please discuss your plans with the village coordinators early on, especially for large villages and elaborate structures. For example, a permit is required for canopies larger than 75 square meters or structures taller than 5 meters. Structures must be constructed in such a way that they are not a fire hazard. Let us know in your application if you have bigger plans.
## Personal Tents
You will need a place to sleep. For most this means a camping-tent. Please be considerate and bring the smallest tent you feel comfortable in. You will not spend much time in it anyways. Please be aware that the ground may be harder and less even than expected. So bring an air mattres or equivalent. Also please test your camping gear.
If you currently do not own a tent:
* We hate single use tents. They are an ecological and logistical nightmare. Tents are not recyclable. Yes cardboard tents exist but we still consider them more harmful than good.
* Unfortunately there will be no personal Tents to rent or buy from at the campsite
* Ask your frinds/family/hackspace. Lots of people have tents that they seldomnly use.
* Rent one from an outdoor gear shop (we know Globetrotter does this)
* Buy a reusable (normal) Tent and keep, sell or donate it afterwards.
## Vehicles
Cars or similar vehicles generally do not belong on the event space. Exceptions are made for vehicles that are an integral part of a village, i.e. not just for sleeping. Examples would be a mobile hackspace in a bus, a water cannon with a protest background or a car whose CAN bus is being hacked. An open hardware project with active development on the camp is welcome (after confirmed registration), a cool DIY project alone is not enough.
## No digging, no large earth nails
No holes, pits or sub-basements are allowed. There are still various pipes and cables that are just below the surface and insufficiently documented. So please plan without long ground nails and pegs and do not sink them deeper than 25 cm into the ground.
## Kitchens, Water
Villages are allowed and encouraged to run a kitchen for self-catering.
For fire safety reasons, only electricity or gas may be used for cooking, no wood or coal fires.
If you need running water for your largish village kitchen, please let us know – but be prepared to use hand trucks and water containers.
## Music and other noise
Music is great. But not always, and not at any volume. The permitted volume depends on the location.
It’s best to let us know if you want your village (including any other noise) to be above lounge volume, or if you’d rather be in a quieter corner.
There will again be a silent camping area where we ask you to be silent, at least during the night.
If you are expecting a completely silent campsite though, you will likely be disappointed at the camp. It is still an open air event and not an idyllic nature vacation in a mountain hut.
In general we ask you to pay attention to your fellow human beings and take care of each other so we will all have a good time.
![Be kind to each other](img/be-kind.png)
# Caravans
As with previous iterations of CCCamp, you will be able to purchase a *caravan ticket* and attend this year’s Camp with a caravan/campervan.
If you’re planning to attend CCCamp with a caravan, please keep the following in mind:
* Parking your vehicle in the caravan area *requires a caravan ticket* (not in the parking area – a regular [parking ticket]( is fine for that)
* If you have a camping trailer towed by a car, and you dont want to sleep in the car then the trailer needs a camper ticket and the car needs a [parking ticket]( for regular parking
* Please bring a 2 kg fire extinguisher if you have fire hazards in your vehicle, such as flammable gas bottles
## Infrastructure
Note that preparations are still ongoing. Information is provided as accurately as possible, but without guarantees.
* There **won’t** be water or sewage connections
* There *might* be power connections
* Sockets provided will be 230V Schuko, no CEE!
* There will *most probably* be network hubs
## Locations
A separate camping area adjacent to the campground will be available for your caravan. This is the largest and most accessible location. If you park here, you will be able to move your vehicle during the event.
Trucks, caravans and campervans will generally not be allowed on the main campground. However: if you think your vehicle is absolutely indispensable for your village, please [contact the village orga](
**Keep in mind that vehicles parked on the main campground will have to remain there for the duration of the event**. If this is not acceptable, you should use the caravan campground instead.
## On Arrival
Drive to the caravan entrance (check-in) position marked on your ticket. We will check your ticket and bring you to your camping spot. Please try to plan your arrival during the day, we can’t provide any services at night. If you arrive at night, you need to wait at the caravan entrance until the day.
## Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail: <>
## Chillfloor: Herzbergstich
Location: <,13.3055786>
Chill at the lake? Relax, bop/dance and enjoy all kinds of ambient and chillout music? We are serving you this at the small, comfy lagoon at the Herzbergstich - with it's own bathing area.
Our line-up promises a varied program. There will be jam sessions at modular devices, hand-made music with vocals and finest selected Vinyl. Also a book reading is part of the program.
At night, our VJs will enchant the lagoon with fantastic light shows.
The bar provides us with cold beverages to-go.
Kaffe Güzel has joined us and would also like to enchant you with self-roasted, finest vegan coffee specialities, delicious spicy hot chocolate and Chai Latte á la Güzel. For breakfast, they serve Schüsch muesli and grilled toast sandwiches. The yurt is a great place to hang out - stop by! Kaffe Güzel is a wandering volunteer café, find out more at [their website]( or follow them at [Instagram](
You can reach us via DECT 2455 and you can find our program in the schedule.
We look forward to see you!
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# Bars
We run several bars and a crate sale to supply you with drinks around the clock.
!!! danger "Attention"
Payment is **in cash only**. Local ATMs will probably be overwhelmed. **Bring enough money!**
## Marktplatz Bar
**Location**: [Marktplatz]({target=_blank}<br>
**Sells**: Mate, Water, Beer, Lemonades, Tschunk<br>
**Price List:** tbd
**Opening Hours**
| Day | Opens | Closes |
| ---------- | ------ | ------ |
| 0 (14.08.) | tbd | 24:00 |
| 1 (15.08.) | 00:00 | 24:00 |
| 2 (16.08.) | 00:00 | 24:00 |
| 3 (17.08.) | 00:00 | 24:00 |
| 4 (18.08.) | 00:00 | 24:00 |
| 5 (19.08.) | 00:00 | tbd |
## UFO Bar
**Location:** [UFO]({target=_blank}<br>
**Sells:** Mate, Water, Beer, Lemonades<br>
**Price List:** tbd
**Opening Hours**
| Day | Opens | Closes |
| ---------- | ------ | ------ |
| 0 (14.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 1 (15.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 2 (16.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 3 (17.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 4 (18.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 5 (19.08.) | tbd | tbd |
## Chillout Bar
**Location: [Chillout Space]({target=_blank}<br>
**Sells:** Mate, Water, Beer, Lemonades<br>
**Price List:** tbd
**Opening Hours**
| Day | Opens | Closes |
| ---------- | ------ | ------ |
| 0 (14.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 1 (15.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 2 (16.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 3 (17.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 4 (18.08.) | tbd | tbd |
| 5 (19.08.) | tbd | tbd |
## Crate Sale and Crate Presale Pickup
Location: [Bar Team Logistics Area]({target=_blank}<br>
Sells: Water, Mate, Beer, Lemonades, Ice<br>
Price List: tbd
**Opening Hours**
| Day | Opens | Closes |
| ---------- | ------ | ------ |
| 0 (14.08.) | 10:00 | 22:00 |
| 1 (15.08.) | 10:00 | 22:00 |
| 2 (16.08.) | 10:00 | 22:00 |
| 3 (17.08.) | 10:00 | 22:00 |
| 4 (18.08.) | 10:00 | 22:00 |
| 5 (19.08.) | 10:00 | 22:00 |
| 6 (20.08.) | 10:00 | 22:00 |
This diff is collapsed.
# FAQs
## Photos/Videos
Ask everybody in the picture if they agree to be photographed or filmed. Inform them, if you want to publish the picture anywhere. It follows that shots from the stage into the audience and long shots in the hackcenters, villages and the other public areas are not possible! Please note that we might ask photographers and film teams to leave, if they don’t behave accordingly.
## Camping
### Where do I put my tent if I do NOT participate in a Village ?
Come to the camp site and put your tent on a spot that you like and that is not reserved for someone else or for infrastructure. You can also join a village if you ask the inhabitants or move your tent if you don’t like a spot.
### Where can I store my valuables?
You have to take care of your valuables yourself. You can ask your friendly neighbour to watch out for your stuff, lock it in a car or carry it with you. Up to now very few things have been stolen during CCC events but as our events grow bigger the number of jerks probably rises proportionally.
## Cars and Camper Vans
If you can, please leave your vehicle at home.
Check [travel]( for other options of getting to the venue.
We also offer a [Parcel Service](#parcel-delivery-to-and-from-the-camp) so you can send Things to and from the venue.
### Where can I park my car?
There will be a parking lot right beside the camp, there will be no parking on the campsite itself. You will need to buy a [parking ticket]( for your car. Buy one now online, or on-site when you arrive (**cash-only!**).
### Is it OK to drive the car on the camp ground to unload stuff for the village on arrival?
We ask everyone to carry their luggage by hand if possible. We plan to provide carts and similar means of transportation between the cash desk and the rest of the camp ground. If you really need to drive on the camp ground to unload, better come early as we may close the venue for vehicles if it gets to dense. In general there is no guarantee that you are able to drive on the camp ground, you may have to wait for several hours.
Use the [Parcel Service](#parcel-delivery-to-and-from-the-camp) to save yourself from this stress and hassle. It is also much more environment friendly.
### Is it ok to come with a campervan/caravan?
Generally yes, but please read [Caravans](
### Will there be campers/caravans allowed at the FamilyVillage?
There is no space for campers or caravans in the FamilyVillage.
## Money
### Which methods of Payment are available?
Everything on the Camp will be in cash only!
### Where is the next ATM?
See [here](
## Parcel Delivery to and from the camp
### Can I send my stuff to the camp?
You can send your stuff using any postal delivery service operating in Germany. Go to the [BGP]( Website and generate a [sticker](#what-is-a-bgp-sticker) to get the delivery address. Put the Sticker prominently on your Parcel, but be sure to not interfere with the delivery companies Sticker/Codes.
### My Stuff arrives at the camp using a acquaintance car, but meetup and storing is hard. Can you Help?
Yes, we don’t really care *how* Parcels arrive (post, car, ship, rocket, pigeon, beamed by Scotty, magic portal). As long it has a [sticker](#what-is-a-bgp-sticker) we will store it in our Storage and it can be picked up. Please make sure each item has a sticker on it so we know which items belong together. You can use the same Code for all Items in your Shipment but please specify the correct item amount on the Website.
While we gladly store parcels, suitcases, camping tents and similar items, we can not handle loose items. Generally spoken, it should be in a form any postal delivery service would take in. For other requirements, please talk to the [Logistic Operation Center](
### I deliver items for many people to the camp. Can you help with the distribution?
Yes, see [above](my-stuff-arrives-at-the-camp-using-a-acquaintance-car-but-meetup-and-storing-is-hard-can-you-help) question/answer. Please make sure everyone puts a [sticker](#what-is-a-bgp-sticker) on their items.
If you have larger amount of items to drop, please [contact us]( before arriving at the camp.
### Can I order Stuff online to the Camp?
Yes, please visit the [BGP]( Website and generate a [sticker](#what-is-a-bgp-sticker) to get the delivery address including a 6 Digit Tracking Code.
Please remember, anything you order to the camp you also need to carry back home (or send it using a [postal service](#can-i-send-my-stuff-from-the-camp-to-my-home)). We urge you to [think about the environment]( before going on a shopping spree.
### Can I send my stuff from the camp to my home?
You can send your stuff home using a postal delivery service operating in Germany. Just buy a online stamp and bring your item to the [BGP] Tent. While we support many Companies, DHL may be the best supported option. We will provide means to print your online stamps on the campsite.
### Can I do larger shipments involving dedicated logistic companies?
This is handled by the [Logistic Operation Center]( Please talk to them **before** you ship your Stuff.
### Can you handle my cash on delivery package? Can you handle my customs fee?
No, we can not handle any cash related things. If you need pay for your delivery you need to be present at the BGP Tent during delivery. Ask us on the campsite to get the estimated delivery times and be prepared for long waiting times.
### Can you handle registered packages?
No, you need to be present the BGP Tent during delivery. Ask us on the campsite to get the estimated delivery times and be prepared for long waiting times.
### I have special delivery needs. Whom can I talk to?
Please contact the [Logistic Operation Center](
### What is a BGP Sticker?
The BGP Sticker allows us to handle your delivery more smoothly, allow you to check if your delivery arrived and simplifies handout to you. You can generate stickers on the [BGP]( website.
There are 2 options to use them:
* If you are the one sending the package, you should put the QR-Code part on your package.
* If you order something from someone else (for example a online shop), you get a 6-Digit Tracking-Code on the Sticker page which you need to put into the Address Field.
Please use the Delivery Address on the Sticker for the Destination of your package. The generated Sticker page contains a QR-Code you can then use at the camp to get your Item quickly.
### I lost/forgot my Receiving Code. Can I still get my Stuff?
Yes, but you need to convince us that you are actually the Recipient of your stuff. A valid and simple option is to use your Real-name on the items and a passport. Other options involve using your l33t [social engineering]( skills.
### I did not use a BGP Sticker. Can I still get my Stuff?
See [above](#i-lostforgot-my-receiving-code-can-i-still-get-my-stuff)
### When can I send my stuff to the camp?
Please do not send stuff to the camp to arrive before the 10th or after the 24th of August.
## Open Fire
### Are charcoal BBQs allowed?
No – all forms of open fire are forbidden. Please let your Charcoal BBQ Grill at home and bring a gas BBQ instead. As mentioned under [Power](#power) please don’t bring an electric grill either.
### Could we make a Camp Fire/bonfire (dt. Lagerfeuer) ?
No – all forms of open fire are forbidden. Only if the fire brigade allows it one camp fire at the official fire place will be lit.
### Are camping stoves powered by ethyl alcohol allowed?
Gas and liquid fuel are OK, they don’t spread sparks.
### Where can we get gas for our BBQs in the area?
You will have the option to buy gas in 5kg and 10kg on the campsite.
Villages can order gas in the village shop.
## Dogs and other pets
### Is it ok to bring my dog?
No (exception: service dogs). We ask everybody not to bring dogs. There are at least three problems we had with dogs on events in the past:
1. Dogs mark their territory by peeing at tents.
2. Attendees have problems with dogs. Be it by allergy or by phobia.
3. Dogs who have problems with people. They get scared in a crowd or by some odors.
Camp is no good place for pets. Leave your pets at home.
**Service dogs** are of course allowed and welcomed together with their human companion.
## Driving objects
### Is it ok to bring a bicycle and to cycle on the campground?
## Flying objects
No flying objects are allowed in the area of the event.
### Will there be a dedicated area for flying objects?
For now not, but we still try to make it possible.
## Phones
### Will there be a private DECT Network?
Yes, see POC.
### Will there be a private GSM Network?
Yes, see GSM.
## Network
As usual there will be wired and wireless networks with speeds up to 10G available. Please use only unshielded cables, preferably with an unshielded connector. We will not plug in any shielded cables. See the main [Network]( page for more details.
### Will there be (Ten)Gigabit Ethernet in the Datenklo?
Yes. In the current network-planning each Datenklo will have 100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T/10GBASE-T ethernet ports available for end-users.
## Power
## Water
### How will drinking water be distributed?
There will be water supply stations where you can get water from a tap. You can fill your water bottle at the water supply but you can’t hook up a hose. You can also buy bottled water at the [Bars](
### Will there be a hookup for campers?
No, there will be no option to hook up water or waste water for a camper.
### Will there be a hookup for our village kitchen?
It’s complicated – get in touch!
## Food
### How to get Food during the camp?
There will be several independent food stalls offering hot meals – from French fries to curry, breakfast foods, cake and much more.
For people volunteering there will again be food at the Heaven kitchen.
You can get snacks at the [späti](facilities#spaeti) and cold drinks at all [bars]( and at the [Crate Sale](
See [Food]( for detail and more options.
### How to get Food during build up and tear down ?
Unless you are a volunteer helping with build up or tear down you will have to supply yourself. See below.
For people volunteering there will again be food at the Heaven kitchen.
### How can I get food fully independent of you?
See [POIs]( for grocery stores around.
## Waste Disposal
### What should I do with my trash?
Please avoid producing waste and trash! If you can’t you can be very nice and take it with you when you leave or use one of the many trash cans on the camp site.
Getting rid of trash is very expensive for us so please don’t plan to leave stuff behind when you leave. Especially if you bring furniture, building materials or electronic waste to the camp you need to take it with you at the end!
If you have any electronic waste, check on the project page of this year’s Electronic Waste Recycling Station if they can accept your kind of electronic waste. If they cannot, you need to take it with you at the end!
### Leftover food
### Batteries
You can drop your empty batteries at the infopoint.
## Social Media
### Which hashtag is recommended for chaos camp-related toots?
Please use the hashtag #cccamp23 to tag all things related to the “Chaos Communication Camp 2023”.
Please do not post any information or pictures on other people anywhere online unless they agreed before. Respect our [photopolicy](#photosvideos) while taking pictures and inform the people in the picture where you want to publish it.
## Preparations
### How can I prepare for the camp?
Besides making a backup of your data nice people compiled a [guide]( with lots of ideas how to prepare yourself and your hardware for the camp.
### What should I bring to the camp?
Besides all the usual stuff you might bring to a camping trip or a trip to the Chaos Communication Congress remember to bring long (>10m) power cables for outdoor use. And it is also a good idea to bring more sockets than plugs for all your electrical things.
See [guide]( for an extensive list.
# Food
!!! danger "Attention"
Payment is **in cash only**. Local ATMs will probably be overwhelmed. **Bring enough money!**
## Späti
The [Späti](äti) sells snacks like chips, chocolate, and much more.
## Food stalls
Feeling snackish?
The Standesamt was working hard to select a variety of finest foodstands in the region to serve you breakfast, lunch, dinner, sweet snacks, salty snacks, midnightssnacks and hot beverages.
Here you can find Information on Prices, Places, Opening Times and dietry requirements.
Follow updates on ****
**@Marketplace you can find:**
- Pizza from Lekkapizza (open 10:00-0:00)
- Breakfast and various lunch options from Naked Lunch (open 9:00-open end)
- Burritos/Galettes from Lequeria (open 10:00-23:00)
- Làngos from der Làngos (open 10:00-00:00)
- Indian cuisine from Vegan Lovefood (open 10:00-24:00)
- Coffee and hot beverages from Moondog Café (open 8:00-0:00)
**@Kidsspace you can find:**
- Burger from Friedel Richter (open 11:00-02:00)
- Coffee, hot beverages and breakfast from Hausecafé (open 7:15-18:15)
- Soft-Ice from a local ice van Milcheis (open 11:00-nach Nachfrage)
**@Chilloutspace you can find:**
- Coffee, hot beverages and breakfast/snacks from the Güzels (open 9:00 - 21:00)
**@Ringofen2 you can find:**
- Locally manufactured icecream from InnFernow (open 8:00-20:00)
- Baked goods and breakfast from the local bakery Stadige (open 8:00-17:00)
- Meat products, breaktfast and more from the local butcher Müller (open 8:00-20:00)
- Fish wrap and fish soup from the local Seenfischerei Feldberg (open 11:00-16:00)
**@Museumshafen you can find:**
- Coffee, Cocktails, Snacks from La Dolce Vita (open 8:00-02:00)
## Lieferstando: Pre-ordering at Food stalls
Some of the stalls listed above offer to take pre-orders for food. The stalls where you can pre-order will be present at the camp and you will be able to pick up the pre-ordered products at the stall. Organisational issues need to be arranged with the stall owner.
### The Bakery Stadige
Mrs Kiesewetter (+49 173 7638 754 -
**Instructions for ordering:**
Please book large quantities in advance. However, rolls can always be ordered for the next day. Please let us know in the morning of the day before.
**Cake offer:**
- Sweet pastries (crumble buns, custard buns, puff pastry buns)
- Various yeast dough cakes with crumble and fruit
- Cheesecake
- Fruit cake (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry)
- Savoury onion tart
**Range of bread/rolls:**
- Spelt/wholemeal breads
- Rye/spelt breads
- Herb breads-rolls
- Rye/mixed breads
- Nut breads/rolls
- Buckwheat breads/rolls
- Pretzels
**Wheat rolls:**
- Rye rolls
- Multigrain rolls
- Buckwheat rolls
- Potato roll
- Croissants
### The Butchery Müller
Mrs Müller (+49 3307 2794 -
**Instructions for ordering:**
Daily, free, reliable delivery - expected in the morning or as required - EC payment also possible. ("Simply contact us and off you go 😊")
- Many types of sausages from our own handmade production.
- The best barbecue specialities!
- Cheese
- Meatless cold cuts and schnitzel !!!!
- If necessary also salads & vegetables
### The fish stall
Oliver Pahlke (+49 173 8926987 -
**Instructions For Ordering:**
Just write an e-mail.
- Smoked fish (probably trout, char, salmon trout and vendace)
- fish in flatbread
- fish soup
### Ice Cream
Sascha Fernow (+49 3309 3419960 -
**Instructions for ordering:**
"I am game for anything. 3 litre buckets are easiest."
- Ice cream, various flavours
### Coffee from Güzel / Kaffee Korrekte
Henning Brode (+49 163 7914379 -
**Instructions for ordering:**
Just write a mail or call.
- whole bean espresso (can also be ground at the stand)
- current green coffee is sourced directly from the farmers as a community blend from the region of Oaxaca, Mexico.
- basic price: 22€ per kilo, from 100kg: 20€ per kilo
**Sale of coffee bean packages at the stand?**
### Coffee from Creperia
Oliver Lange (+49 172 9953881 -
**Instructions For Ordering:**
Just write an email or call.
- Coffee beans (for taste and quantity just ask)
**Sale of coffee bean packages at the stand?**
### Coffee from Hausecafé
Michael Ghebremariam (+49 1577 3801715 -
**Instructions For Ordering:**
Just write an email or call.
- Espresso beans (whole bean or ground) - 39,60 €/Kg (Flavours: milk chocolate, caramel, hazelnut)
- Filter beans (whole bean or ground) - 47,60/kg (Flavours: white chocolate, melon, orange blossom)
**Sale of coffee bean packages at the stand?**
## Village Kitchens
There are Villages who run their own kitchens, some might be willing to share their food in exchange for helping in the kitchen or small donations.
## Angels Kitchen
The Angels-Kitchen provides the many volunteer angels with very good food during their work.
## Grocery stores
See [POIs]( for grocery stores around the location.
# Survival Guide
## things to bring
### Camping Equipment
* a tent
* **stable** tent pegs. The ground is hard.
* maybe a hammer or other tool to drive them into the ground
* a sleeping bag
* a mattress and a sleeping pad. Maybe a cushion.
* a sleeping mask if you are sensitive to light.
* a drinking bottle. Drink more water – drinking not enough (water! not mate, not beer!) is the most common DoS-Attack at camps.
* a rescue blanket: One of those silvery blankets you find in first aid kits. They are very good at reflecting sunlight away from your computer monitor, so you’ll be able to hack during the day. Most tents let in a *lot* of light and rescue blankets are one of the cheaper ways to fix that.
* blanket to sit on and place your laptop on. You might not want to sit on a dew covered ground in the morning
* a cosy sun chair for hanging out
* chairs and tables
### Other Equipment
* your ticket (a print-out is more resistant to failure ;))
* default meal tools (like knife, fork, spoon, spork!, plate, mug)
* penknife (preferably one of those swiss-made multitool thingies)
* a rope
* many trash bags for trash and water-safe storage.
* (FL, LED) lamps powered by 230V mains, or a lantern. Do NOT bring wax torches! See FAQ
* a flashlight or headlamp
* an FM radio receiver e.g. from your kitchen. (There might be a camp radio station!)
* GSM and/or DECT phones, particularly when you want to volunteer as an Angel
* a fire extinguisher if you own one, or a bucket (to fill with water), or a fire blanket
* an ashtray, if you smoke.
* if you arrive for buildup or stay for teardown, it could be a good idea to bring a game that does not require power and/or network, especially if you travel with children or hackers who get bored fast.
* and please take home ALL the stuff you brought!
### Clothing and Toiletries
* toilet paper and baby-wipes
* your allergy medication and NEEDED drugs. This is in the middle of nature.
* your health insurance service card (Krankenversichertenkarte)/ European Health Insurance Card for residents of other EU states)
* ear plugs – it could get loud out here.
* insect repellents
* sun blocker. SPF 30 is recommended. If you haven’t left your dungeon since the last camp use SPF-over-9000.
* a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap.
* shampoo and shower gel
* thongs (Badeschuhe) for the shower
* Do *not* forget your towel! Be a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.
* wet weather gear, or you could be trapped in your tent for a whole day.
* appropriate clothing: for warm and sunny, and for cold and rainy weather. It is better to have clothes you won’t need than to need clothes you don’t have. Although it is very warm during the day, it gets very cool in the evening. Sweaters/hoodies are recommended.
* a swimming-dress, not the Borat one :)
* a hat and sunglasses
### For Computer and Infastructure
* your computer(s) – and basic tools you will need to repair it, including OS Install DVDs/USB-drives
* chargers / power supplies for your laptop, tablets, phones etc
* your own power cord (20m – 50m, see List of available sockets) and multiple plug sockets (ideally with built-in surge protector, only 230V, check below), as much as (or even more than) you need. Think of your neighbors and share electric power to them! The power outlets provided are 230V AC Schuko (Type F, CEE 7/4) [1]
* long ethernet cable. the next Datenklo could be up to 50 meters (160 ft) away
* a bunch of network patch cables
* as many ethernet switches as you might need for your equipment and to share to neighbours. Don’t forget the power supply.
* WiFi Equipment for 5 GHz, since 2.4GHz tends to get overcrowded. DO NOT bring your own APs. See Network rules
* maybe a bunch of spare fans – heat and dust tend to kill CPU-/power supply-fans
* a list of your trusted SSL keys (and check them beforehand!). See How To Survive
* a configured ipfw, think about an IDS (just for fun)
* gadgets with all kind of blinky, geeky features as conversation pieces
* books. Also those you no longer need/want. Non-technical preferred. This is supposed to be your vacation, after all. Any eBook-Reader is a good choice too.
* your GPS. This will be great fun to play with and lets you use up-to-date OSM maps of the camping area.
### Electrical equipment safety notes
* Please keep all of your electrical equipment dry and protect it from morning dew
* During the day, make sure that your equipment doesn’t overheat
* Especially make sure that none of your power connectors are laying on the ground or can get wet otherwise
* Use only outdoor-rated power cords
Please do check the Power page for more information.
### Things to Leave At Home
* Dogs and any other kind of pets (exception: service dogs). Camp is not a very dog friendly area. See FAQ. The reasonable exception here is any pet that can be swiched off and/or can be reprogrammed (Aibo, Furby,&nbsp;…).
* Your home directory and other data you don’t want anyone else to see
* All non CE compliant wireless devices like audio transmitters, WiFi boosters, walkie-talkies, etc. that you bring from outside EU (different frequency range) or buy from AliExpress, Wish etc. They may interfere with critical infrastructure and can also degrade the communication channels we all share.
* A microwave oven. It *may* disrupt wireless networks. A typical tent is not the ideal position to defend yourself against an angry mob of hackers. Also see next point.
* Very power hungry devices (like AirCon, electric grill or oven, electric water cooker, hairdryer, generally anything that creates lots of heat or cold). The power grid is always a problem on the camp. So please think twice if you really need all that luxury. Incandescent lamps have poor efficiency, consider bringing FL or LED lamps instead. See Power
### Checklists
For a detailed checklist, especially for tech events, look at [MacLemon’s Checklist]( and at [Columbia19’s Checklist]( for camping related stuff.
# The Hub
The hub is meant as the central piece to get information on the camp’s content. It is an integration component: it aggregates the events from all the stages, art & music events as well as self-organized sessions into a “Fahrplan” (schedule) which is e.g. used by the mobile apps as well.
Additionally, villages can show their projects and you, as a visitor, can share knowledge with the wiki and/or put your stuff up for grabs, look for ride-sharing options or find like-minded people to start projects with.
If you’re searching for villages that match your interest, try out the search bar – nearly 200 villages are waiting to be discovered by you.
Of course, you can search for all other information managed by the hub as well and collect virtual badges offered by the villages (you might remember that feature from rC3).
The whole project is still in development and we’d like to hear your ideas on what should be included! We have several ideas planned but are a bit short-staffed – if you like to help, the [source is available](
## Use cases
What do you want to do?
- **I want to share a short bit of information (e.g. sell my ticket, find someone to travel with, or I’m looking for specific hardware)**
Our bulletin board has you covered there: <>
- **I want to write a longer description of my project at camp**
The hub now also offers a wiki: <>
You can directly link to wiki pages, or browse the list of recent changes to discover new pages.
- **I want to set up a self-organized session**
You don’t have a village yourself? Don’t panic! In the [hub's backoffice]( (you can login there with your hub account), click “self-organized” in the top bar and add a new entry.
- **I want to register a village**
Village registration was available in the [hub's backoffice](, but is now closed in preparation for camp.
- **Our village wants to offer a lecture hall/workshop room/stage**
In the backoffice, choose the option “Rooms”. Click on the “plus” button and set up a new room (lecture hall, stage, workshop room) with a name of your choice. Events can now be assigned to your room.
- **Our village wants to offer workshops**
In the backoffice, open your village and choose the option “Events” from the sidebar menu. Fill in name for your workshop and add some more information like language, abstract and description for visitors.
- **Our village wants to show projects**
In the backoffice, open your village and choose the option “Projects” from the sidebar menu. Enter a name for your project and add some more information like a description or additional links.
- **I want to contact a village**
Choose the village from the list. The village’s info page will show you their main contacts.
- **Where can I get help?**
Most common questions have been answered on our static info pages (<>).
- **Will there be badges?**
Yes. Want to offer a “I visited foo village.” badge which can be claimed by photographing the QR code on your tent? Feel free to do just that.

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