A web service to manage LDAP users, groups and permissions.
## dependencies
- python3
- python3-ldap3
- python3-flask
- python3-flask-sqlalchemy
Some of the dependencies (especially fido2 and flask-oauthlib) changed their API in recent versions, so make sure to install the versions from Debian Buster.
You can also use virtualenv with the supplied `requirements.txt`.
Before running uffd, you need to create the database with `flask db upgrade`.
Then use `flask run` to start the application:
FLASK_APP=uffd flask db upgrade
FLASK_APP=uffd FLASK_ENV=development flask run
During development, you may want to enable LDAP mocking, as you otherwise need to have access to an actual LDAP server with the required schema.
You can do so by setting `LDAP_SERVICE_MOCK=True` in the config.
Afterwards you can login as a normal user with "testuser" and "userpassword", or as an admin with "testadmin" and "adminpassword".
Please note that the mocked LDAP functionality is very limited and many uffd features do not work correctly without a real LDAP server.
Use uwsgi. Make sure to run `flask db upgrade` after every update!
### example uwsgi config
plugin = python3
env = LANG=en_GB.utf8
env = TZ=Europe/Berlin
manage-script-name = true
chdir = /var/www/uffd
module = uffd:create_app()
uid = uffd
gid = uffd
vacuum = true
die-on-term = true
hook-pre-app = exec:FLASK_APP=uffd flask db upgrade
## OAuth2 Single-Sign-On Provider
Other services can use uffd as an OAuth2.0-based authentication provider.
The required credentials (client_id, client_secret and redirect_uris) for these services are defined in the config.
The services need to be setup to use the following URLs with the Authorization Code Flow:
* `/oauth2/authorize`: authorization endpoint
* `/oauth2/token`: token request endpoint
* `/oauth2/userinfo`: endpoint that provides information about the current user
The userinfo endpoint returns json data with the following structure:
"id": 10000,
"name": "Test User",
"nickname": "testuser"
"email": "",
"ldap_dn": "uid=testuser,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",